Extremal domains in $\mathbb{S}^2$: Geometric and Analytic methods
José M. Espinar,Diego A. Marín
Abstract:In this paper, we study domains $\Omega \subset \mathbb{S}^2$ that support positive solutions to the overdetermined problem $ \Delta{u} + f(u, |\nabla u|) = 0 $ in $\Omega$, with the boundary conditions $u = 0$ on $\partial \Omega$ and $|\nabla u|$ being locally constant along $\partial \Omega$. We refer to such domains as $f$-extremal domains and focus on those with disconnected boundaries.
In the first part of the paper, we extend the moving plane method on $\mathbb{S}^2$ to demonstrate that if $\Omega$ is an $f$-extremal domain containing a simple closed curve of maximum points of $u$, then $\Omega$ must be either rotationally symmetric or antipodally symmetric. We also establish a similar result for constant mean curvature (CMC) surfaces with capillary boundaries.
In the second part, we strengthen the previous result for certain nonlinearities $f=f(u)$, proving that the domain $\Omega$ must, in fact, be rotationally symmetric. This is achieved by generalizing the analytic methods used in our earlier work [20].
We focus on the case where $\Omega$, $u$, and $f$ are analytic to avoid technicalities that could hinder the exposition of the main ideas of this article. However, the required regularity assumptions can be significantly relaxed.
Analysis of PDEs