Abstract:In this paper, we study interior estimates for solutions to linearized Monge-Ampère equations in divergence form with drift terms and the right-hand side containing the divergence of a bounded vector field. Equations of this type appear in the study of semigeostrophic equations in meteorology and the solvability of singular Abreu equations in the calculus of variations with a convexity constraint. We prove an interior Harnack inequality and Hölder estimates for solutions to equations of this type in two dimensions, and under an integrability assumption on the Hessian matrix of the Monge-Ampère potential in higher dimensions. Our results extend those of Le (Analysis of Monge-Ampère equations, Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol.240, American Mathematical Society, 2024) to equations with drift terms.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### Problems the paper attempts to solve
This paper is mainly devoted to studying the interior estimates of the linearized Monge - Ampère equation in divergence form, especially the equations with drift terms. Specifically, the author focuses on equations of the following form:
- \text{div}(\Phi Du + uB) + b \cdot Du = f - \text{div}F
where $\Phi$ is the adjoint matrix of the solution of the Monge - Ampère equation, $b, B, F$ are bounded vector fields, $f \in L^n$, and $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^n$ is a bounded domain.
The main goal of this research is to prove the interior Harnack inequality and Hölder estimates for this type of equations in the two - dimensional case, and obtain corresponding results in higher dimensions under the integrability condition of the Hessian matrix. These results extend the work of Le [Le24], which only considered the case without drift terms.
### Specific problem descriptions
1. **Interior Harnack inequality**: The author hopes to prove that for non - negative solutions $u$ satisfying the above equation, there exist positive constants $C$ and $\gamma$ such that in a certain region:
\sup_{S_\phi(x_0, t)} u \leq C \left( \left( \|F\|_{L^\infty(S_\phi(x_0, h))} + \|f\|_{L^r(S_\phi(x_0, h))} \right) t^\gamma + \inf_{S_\phi(x_0, t)} u \right)
2. **Interior Hölder estimate**: Further, the author also hopes to prove that the solution $u$ has Hölder continuity in the interior, that is, for any $x, y \in S_\phi(x_0, h_0)$, there exist positive constants $C$ and $\gamma$ such that:
|u(x) - u(y)| \leq C \left( \|F\|_{L^\infty(S_\phi(x_0, 2h_0))} + \|f\|_{L^r(S_\phi(x_0, 2h_0))} + \|u\|_{L^\infty(S_\phi(x_0, h_0))} \right) |x - y|^\gamma
3. **Hölder estimate under stronger integral conditions**: In higher dimensions, by assuming stronger integrability of the Hessian matrix $D^2\phi$, $\|u\|_{L^\infty}$ can be replaced by $\|u\|_{L^2}$ to obtain more accurate estimates.
### Importance of the solution
The solutions to these problems not only help to understand the basic properties of the linearized Monge - Ampère equation, but also have important application values in fields such as meteorology (such as the semi - geostrophic equation) and the calculus of variations (such as the solvability of the singular Abreu equation). In addition, these results also provide theoretical basis and technical support for further research on such equations.