Generalized cyclotomic polynomials associated with regular systems of divisors and arbitrary sets of positive integers

László Tóth
Abstract:We introduce and study the generalized cyclotomic polynomials $\Phi_{A,S,n}(x)$ associated with a regular system $A$ of divisors and an arbitrary set $S$ of positive integers. We show that all of these polynomials have integer coefficients, they can be expressed as the product of certain classical cyclotomic polynomials $\Phi_d(x)$ with $d\mid n$, and enjoy many other properties which are similar to the classical and unitary cases. We also point out some related Menon-type identities. One of them seems to be new even for the cyclotomic polynomials $\Phi_n(x)$.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to introduce and study the generalized cyclotomic polynomials $\Phi_{A,S,n}(x)$ related to the regular divisor systems of positive integers and arbitrary sets of positive integers. Specifically, the author aims to show that these polynomials have integer coefficients and can be expressed as products of certain classical cyclotomic polynomials $\Phi_d(x)$ (where $d|n$), and they also have some properties similar to those of classical cyclotomic polynomials and unitary cyclotomic polynomials. In addition, the author also explores some Menon - type identities related to these generalized cyclotomic polynomials, and one of the identities is also new for the classical cyclotomic polynomial $\Phi_n(x)$. ### Main contributions 1. **Definition and properties**: Define the generalized cyclotomic polynomial $\Phi_{A,S,n}(x)$ and prove that they have integer coefficients. 2. **Expression form**: Show that these polynomials can be expressed as products of classical cyclotomic polynomials. 3. **Menon - type identities**: Propose some new Menon - type identities, especially those involving Dirichlet characters. 4. **Generalized results**: Generalize the Möller - Endo identity and the Grytczuk - Tropak recurrence formula for describing the coefficients of these polynomials. ### Formula summary - Definition of the generalized cyclotomic polynomial: \[ \Phi_{A,S,n}(x)=\prod_{\substack{1\leq j\leq n\\(j,n)_A\in S}}\left(x - \zeta_n^j\right) \] where $(j,n)_A = \max\{d\in\mathbb{N}:d|j,d\in A(n)\}$. - Expressed as a product of classical cyclotomic polynomials: \[ \Phi_{A,S,n}(x)=\prod_{d\in A(n)}\left(x^d - 1\right)^{\mu_A,S(n/d)} \] - Menon - type identity: \[ \prod_{j = 1}^n\left(x^{(j - 1,n)_A}-1\right)^{\Re(\chi(j))}=\prod_{d\delta\in A(n)}\Phi_{A,d\delta}(x)^{\phi(n)/\phi(d\delta)} \] Through these studies, the author not only expands the theoretical framework of cyclotomic polynomials but also reveals their new applications in number theory.