Large Sieve Inequalities for periods of Maass forms

Dimitrios Lekkas,Marios Voskou
Abstract:For $\Gamma$ a Fuchsian Group of the first kind, we obtain large sieve inequalities with weights the hyperbolic periods of Maass forms of even weight. This is inspired by work of Chamizo, who proved a large sieve inequality with weights values of Maass forms of weight $0$. The motivation is applications in counting problems in $\Gamma_1 \backslash \Gamma / \Gamma_2$, where $\Gamma_1$, $\Gamma_2$ are hyperbolic subgroups of $\Gamma$.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to establish the large sieve inequality for a specific type of mathematical objects (i.e., the periods of Maass forms) in the context of hyperbolic geometry. Specifically, the goal of the paper is to obtain the large sieve inequality for the double - coset counting problem between the first - kind hyperbolic subgroups Γ₁ and Γ₂ of the Fuchsian group Γ. ### Detailed Explanation: 1. **Background and Motivation**: - In analytic number theory, the large sieve inequality is an important tool for estimating the mean square of exponential sums. It is of great significance in studying the average value of exponential sums and spectral sums, etc. - In particular, in modern analytic number theory, there is great interest in harmonic analysis in Γ \ H, where Γ is a Fuchsian group of the first kind and H is the upper half - plane. - Chamizo's previous work has already proven the large sieve inequality for Maass forms of weight 0, which inspired the author of this paper to further study the large sieve inequality for Maass forms of even weight. 2. **Specific Problem**: - The paper aims to establish the large sieve inequality for the periods of Maass forms. These periods are defined by integrals, specifically in the form: \[ \hat{u}_{m,j}=\int_{l}u_{m,j}(z)ds(z),\quad\hat{E}_{a,m}(s') = \int_{l}E_{a,m}(z,s')ds(z) \] where \(ds(z)\) is the Poincaré metric. 3. **Application Background**: - These large sieve inequalities have important applications in the double - coset counting problem between the hyperbolic subgroups Γ₁ and Γ₂, especially when both Γ₁ and Γ₂ are hyperbolic subgroups. - In addition, these inequalities are also very useful in dealing with the mean square of the error term in the hyperbolic lattice point counting problem. For example, Chamizo used a similar large sieve inequality to provide an upper bound estimate for the mean square of the error term in the classical hyperbolic lattice point counting problem. 4. **Main Result**: - The main result of the paper is Theorem 3, which gives the large sieve inequality for the periods of Maass forms. Specifically in the form: \[ \sum_{\nu = 1}^{R}\left|\sum_{|t_j|\leq T}a_jx_i^{t_j}\nu\hat{u}_{m,j}+\frac{1}{4\pi}\sum_{a}\int_{-T}^{T}a_a(t)x_i^{t}\nu\hat{E}_{a,m}\left(\frac{1}{2}+it\right)dt\right|^2\ll(T + X\delta^{-1})\|a\|^2_* \] where the implied constant depends on the geodesic segment \(l\) and the group Γ. In conclusion, the core problem of this paper is to provide new theoretical tools and estimation methods for the double - coset counting problem in hyperbolic geometry by establishing the large sieve inequality for the periods of Maass forms.