Orbital and spin bilinear magnetotransport effect in Weyl/Dirac semimetal

Zhanyunxin Du,Yue-Xin Huang,Xiao Li
Abstract:We theoretically investigate the bilinear current, scaling as $j\sim EB$, in two- and three-dimensional systems. Based on the extended semiclassical theory, we develop a unified theory including both longitudinal and transverse currents. We classify all contributions according to their different scaling relations with the relaxation time. We reveal the distinct contributions to the ordinary Hall effect, planar Hall effect, and magnetoresistance. We further report an intrinsic ordinary Hall current, which has a geometric origin and has not been discussed previously. Our theory is explicitly applied to studying a massive Dirac model and a $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric system. Our work presents a general theory of electric transport under a magnetic field, potentially laying the groundwork for future experimental studies or device fabrications.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is: **In Weyl/Dirac semimetals, study the orbital and spin bilinear magnetotransport effect, especially the bilinear relationship between current, electric field and magnetic field \( j \sim EB \).** Specifically, through the extended semiclassical theory, the authors developed a unified theoretical framework to describe this bilinear response and applied it to two - dimensional and three - dimensional systems. The following are the main objectives and contributions of the paper: 1. **Establish a unified theoretical framework**: - Developed a unified theory including longitudinal and transverse currents, based on the extended semiclassical theory. - Classified the contributions depending on different relaxation times, revealing the different contributions of the ordinary Hall effect, the planar Hall effect and the magnetoresistance. 2. **Discover a new intrinsic ordinary Hall current**: - Revealed an intrinsic ordinary Hall current with a geometric origin, which has not been discussed before. 3. **Apply to specific models**: - Applied the theory to a massive Dirac model and a PT - symmetric system, demonstrating the wide applicability of the theory. 4. **Provide experimental guidance**: - Laid a theoretical foundation for future experimental research or device fabrication, especially in exploring the bilinear magnetotransport effect. ### Formula summary - **Current expression**: \[ j = -\int [dk] \left( \tilde{v}_n + E \times \tilde{\Omega}_n + B (\tilde{v}_n \cdot \tilde{\Omega}_n) \right) f \] where \([dk]\) is the phase - space integral symbol, \(\tilde{v}_n\) is the modified group velocity, \(\tilde{\Omega}_n\) is the modified Berry curvature, and \(f\) is the distribution function. - **Conductivity tensor**: \[ j_a = \chi_{abc}(\tau) E_b B_c \] where \(\chi_{abc}\) is a third - order tensor, describing the relationship between current, electric field and magnetic field. - **τ0 - scaled response**: \[ \chi^{(0)}_{abc} = \int [dk] \left( F_{bc} v_n^a - F_{ac} v_n^b + \epsilon_{abd} M_n^c \Omega^d \right) f' \] - **τ1 - scaled response**: \[ \chi^{(1)}_{abc} = -\tau \int [dk] \left[ (\partial_b v_n^a) M_n^c - (\partial_a M_n^c) v_n^b + v_n^d \Omega_n^d v_n^b \delta_{ac} - v_n^a \Omega_n^c v_n^b + v_n^a \Omega_n^d v_n^d \delta_{bc} \right] f' \] - **τ2 - scaled response**: \[ \chi^{(2)}_{abc} = \tau^2 \epsilon_{dec} \int [dk] v^a (\partial_b v^e) v^d f' \] These formulas show how the authors, through detailed theoretical derivations, decompose the bilinear magnetotransport effect into different relaxation - time - dependent terms and reveal the underlying physical mechanisms.