Stability of conforming space-time isogeometric methods for the wave equation

Matteo Ferrari,Sara Fraschini
Abstract:We consider a family of conforming space-time finite element discretizations for the wave equation based on splines of maximal regularity in time. Traditional techniques may require a CFL condition to guarantee stability. Recent works by O. Steinbach and M. Zank (2018), and S. Fraschini, G. Loli, A. Moiola, and G. Sangalli (2023), have introduced unconditionally stable schemes by adding non-consistent penalty terms to the underlying bilinear form. Stability and error analysis have been carried out for lowest order discrete spaces. While higher order methods have shown promising properties through numerical testing, their rigorous analysis was still missing. In this paper, we address this stability analysis by studying the properties of the condition number of a family of matrices associated with the time discretization. For each spline order, we derive explicit estimates of both the CFL condition required in the unstabilized case and the penalty term that minimises the consistency error in the stabilized case. Numerical tests confirm the sharpness of our results.
Numerical Analysis
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### What problems does this paper attempt to solve? This paper aims to solve the stability problems of space - time isogeometric methods when solving wave equations. Specifically, the author focuses on how to ensure the unconditional stability of these methods under different discretization orders and derives explicit estimates of the matrix condition numbers related to time discretization. #### Main problems and background 1. **Limitations of traditional methods**: - Traditional space - time finite element methods (FEMs) usually need to satisfy the CFL condition to ensure stability when solving wave equations. - This limitation is particularly evident in high - order methods because although high - order methods show good properties in numerical tests, their strict theoretical analysis is still insufficient. 2. **Improvements in previous work**: - Steinbach and Zank (2018) et al. introduced non - conforming penalty terms to stabilize the bilinear form, thus achieving an unconditionally stable scheme. - Fraschini et al. (2023) carried out stability and error analysis on the lowest - order discrete space, but for higher - order methods, there is a lack of strict theoretical analysis. #### Core contributions of the paper 1. **Stability analysis**: - By studying the properties of matrix condition numbers related to time discretization, the author provides a stability analysis of high - order space - time isogeometric methods. - For each spline order, the author derives the CFL conditions required in the unstabilized case and the penalty terms that minimize the consistency error. 2. **Theoretical results**: - The author utilizes the matrix algebraic structure, especially the properties of symbols related to isogeometric discretization, and the condition number behavior of Toeplitz banded matrices with specific symmetries to obtain explicit CFL condition estimates and optimal penalty terms. - These theoretical results are verified by numerical tests. 3. **Applications and extensions**: - The author applies the analysis techniques to different penalty term selections and proves that the penalty terms proposed in [10] are optimal. - Numerical tests are provided to prove the accuracy of the obtained estimates. ### Formula representation To ensure the correctness and readability of the formulas, the following are the key formulas involved in the paper: - Variational form of the wave equation: \[ -(∂_tU, ∂_tV)_{L^2(Q)} + (\nabla_x U, \nabla_x V)_{L^2(Q)} = (F, V)_{L^2(Q)}, \quad \forall V \in H^{1,1}_{0;•,0}(Q) \] - Stabilized bilinear form: \[ a^p_{\mu,h}(u_h, v_h) = -(\partial_t u_h, \partial_t v_h)_{L^2(0,T)} + \mu (u_h, v_h)_{L^2(0,T)} + \mu \delta h^{2p} (\partial^p_t u_h, \partial^p_t v_h)_{L^2(0,T)} \] - System matrix: \[ K^p_{\mu,h}(\delta) = -B^p_h + \mu M^p_h + \mu \delta h^{2p} D^p_h \] Through these formulas, the author analyzes in detail the stability and condition number behavior of high - order space - time isogeometric methods, providing an important theoretical basis for research in related fields.