On a conjecture of Moreno-Frías and Rosales for numerical semigroups

Masahiro Watari
Abstract:The present paper addresses a semimodule counting conjecture of Moreno-Frías and Rosales for numerical semigroups. Applying Pfister and Steenbrink's Theory for punctual Hilbert schemes of curve singularities, we show that this conjecture is true for any numerical semigroup.
Number Theory,Algebraic Geometry
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
This paper attempts to solve the conjecture about numerical semigroups proposed by Moreno - Frías and Rosales. Specifically, this conjecture involves the counting problem of S - semimodules of numerical semigroups. ### Conjecture content Moreno - Frías and Rosales proposed the following conjecture in their research: **Conjecture 1**: For any numerical semigroup \(S\), there exists a positive integer \(n_S\) such that when \(0\leq a < b\leq n_S\), we have \(\#J(S, a)\leq\#J(S, b)\), and for any positive integer \(n\geq n_S\), we have \(\#J(S, n)=\#J(S, n_S)\). Where: - \(J(S, r):=\{\tilde{\Delta}\mid\Delta\in\text{Mod}(S)\text{ and }g(\tilde{\Delta}) - g(S)=r\}\) - \(g(S)\) is the genus of the numerical semigroup \(S\) - \(\tilde{\Delta}\) is the numerical semigroup associated with the \(S\)-semimodule \(\Delta\) ### Main contributions of the paper The author Masahiro Watari proved in this paper that the above conjecture holds for any numerical semigroup \(S\), and gave the specific value of \(n_S\) as the Frobenius number \(F(S)\). That is: **Theorem 2**: For any numerical semigroup \(S\), Conjecture 1 holds, and \(n_S = F(S)\). ### Proof method To prove this theorem, the author utilized the theory of punctual Hilbert schemes of curve singularities by Pfister and Steenbrink. Through these theories, the author demonstrated the counting properties of S - semimodules of numerical semigroups and finally proved the conjecture. ### Conclusion This paper successfully solves the conjecture about numerical semigroups proposed by Moreno - Frías and Rosales, providing new insights and tools for the research of numerical semigroup theory. This result not only verifies the correctness of the conjecture but also provides an important theoretical basis for subsequent research.