[Reconstruction of major bile duct injuries after laparoscopic cholecystectomy].
K. Holte,L. Bardram,A. Wettergren,A. Rasmussen
Abstract:INTRODUCTION: Bile duct injury (BDI) after cholecystectomy remains a serious complication with major implications for patient outcome. For most major BDIs, the recommended method of repair is a hepaticojejunostomy (HJ). We conducted a retrospective review aiming to examine the perioperative and the long-term outcome after reconstructive HJ at our institution. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective review of 41 consecutive patients with BDI sustained during cholecystectomy and subsequently managed with a HJ. The patients were referred to a tertiary hepato-biliary centre during a 15-year period (1994-2008). RESULTS: A total of 32 cases (78%) were reconstructed within two weeks of injury. While 14 patients (34%) suffered perioperative complications, 22 patients (54%) had a complication-free short as well as long-term outcome. Within a median follow-up period of 9.2 years, ten patients (24%) developed biliary strictures requiring percutaneous dilatation and/or further surgery. Three patients had further segmental hepatectomies and one patient developed secondary biliary cirrhosis necessitating orthotopic liver transplantation. No association was found between timing of repair or level of injury and outcome. CONCLUSION: Early specialist repair may result in acceptable short as well as long-term outcome; however, the morbidity of reconstructive biliary surgery remains high – particularly in the context of patient expectations before laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The estimated incidence of bile duct injury (BDI) after laparoscopic cholecystectomy is 0.5% [1]. In the majority of major BDIs, a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy (HJ) is the preferred method of repair [2], and it is recognized that BDI should be referred early and managed at a specialized hepato-biliary centre [3, 4], though the timing of surgical repair remains controversial [3, 5-7]. Prognostic factors for successful repair of iatrogenic BDI include the level of injury [8, 9], absence of injury to the right hepatic artery, and absence of peritonitis [10]. Although a number of series have reported excellent short-term outcomes after reconstructive HJ [11], long-term complications mainly related to biliary strictures remain a major concern with reported incidences reaching 10-25% [7, 9, 10], which contributes to a decrease in quality of life [12, 13] and an overall high mortality in this patient group [1]. We present a retrospective review of patients with BDI sustained during cholecystectomy, referred to our institution from 1994 to 2008 and subsequently managed with a reconstructive HJ. The aim of the review is to examine perioperative as well as long-term outcome. MATERIAL AND METHODS All patients undergoing primary reconstructive bilioenteric anastomosis after BDI sustained during cholecystectomy from 1 January 1994 to 1 January 2009 were identified via patient registers. Patients with non-cholecystectomy-related BDI or with cholecystectomy-related BDI that had been definitively managed by other techniques (endoscopically, radiologically or surgically) were not included in the analysis. Furthermore, 11 patients referred to correct intended final reconstructive BDI repair performed elsewhere or at our institution, but outside the index period were excluded. The only type of bilioenteric anastomosis performed in the above patient material (except for one choledochojejunostomy) was a HJ. Patient charts were reviewed retrospectively to analyze perioperative (within 30 days of HJ construction or during the primary hospital stay) as well as long-term outcomes. Patients not currently enrolled at the outpatient clinic were contacted via telephone on 1 February 2009. According to the above criteria, 41 patients were included in the analysis. Perioperative management As a tertiary hepatobiliary referral centre, we recommend that all patients sustaining a BDI during cholecystectomy be referred immediately upon diagnosis, whether intraor postoperatively. In selected cases, a hepato-biliary surgeon from our institution would travel to the referring hospital to construct the HJ during the primary operation. If the anatomy of the biliary system proximal to the injury was insufficiently visualized by endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreaticography (ERCP) or by Dan Med Bull / February DANISH MEDICAL BULLETIN cholangiography through drains left in situ by the primary surgeon, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) was performed immediately upon referral, followed by immediate surgical exploration with HJ construction. Seven patients did not follow this strategy but underwent delayed HJ repair: Five patients had side lesions to the common bile duct initially treated by endoscopy (Strasberg type D injuries) [14] and two patients had previously been treated with biliary stents and been referred for delayed reconstruction. Angiography or computer tomography was not performed routinely. In brief, surgical reconstruction was performed via a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy to the biliary confluence after debridement of devitalized tissue. The anastomosis was performed with interrupted, one-layer monofilament sutures. No access loop was constructed. Transhepatic stents were placed only in selected cases depending on the level of injury and/or the presence of biliary peritonitis as well as extensive tissue necrosis. If transhepatic stents were placed during the HJ construction, cholangiography was performed before removal, often after three months. Based on similar considerations, existing percutaneous biliary catheters may have been left in situ during surgery. Drains to the anastomosis were placed routinely. After discharge, patients were followed in the outpatient clinic. In non-symptomatic patients, liver biochemistry was assessed regularly and, in the absence of initial abnormalities, once annually, often by the primary care physician who referred the patient back to our department for further investigation in case of abnormalities. Routine radiologic imaging was not performed in asymptomatic cases. Definitions Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: Any cholecystectomy initiated laparoscopically. Perioperative complications: Complications within 30 days of HJ or during the primary hospital stay subdivided into cardiovascular (ischaemia, arrhythmia, respiratory failure or pneumonia), thromboembolic (deep venous thrombosis confirmed by ultrasonography), intraabdominal abscess/biloma (requiring drainage by interventional radiology or surgery), wound infection (requiring surgical drainage), anastomotic leakage (requiring reoperation) or reoperation (regardless of cause). Long-term complications: Defined as biliary complications (strictures, stones, cirrhosis) requiring invasive procedures (invasive radiology or surgery) more than 30 days postoperatively. Due to the lack of generally accepted definitions and objective end-points, cholangitis per se was not registered as a complication, though suspected episodes of cholangitis obviously warranted further investigation, often PTC. Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC): Only interventional PTCs (balloon dilatation, attempted dilatation, lithotripsy) were included. Thus, non-interventional cholangiographies via biliary catheters were not included, regardless of indication. Biliary stricture: Defined as a radiologically verified symptomatic stricture requiring treatment (balloon dilatation followed by biliary stenting or surgery). BDI classification: All BDIs were classified according to the Bismuth classification (Figure 1) based on the level of the original injury [14] as assessed by radiologic imaging and/or description from the surgeon of the HJ repair. Statistics Data are presented as median (range). p < 0.05 was considered significant. Univariate analysis to identify risk factors was performed with χ2 or Fisher’s exact test where relevant. Kaplan-Meier estimates were calculated and plotted for analysis of long-term biliary strictures. RESULTS Between 1 January 1994 and 1 January 2009, 41 patients underwent HJ repair after CBD injury sustained during cholecystectomy. Patient demographics are listed in Table 1. The injury was recognized intraoperatively by the primary surgeon in 13 cases (29%) with a median of five (0-173) and seven (0-624) days from injury to referral and reconstructive surgery, respectively. A total of 15 patients (37%) were referred within one day of injury. In all, 27 patients (66%) were reconstructed within two days of referral, 36 patients (88%) within a week. All patients, barring three, were alive by 1 February 2009: An 88-year-old patient died from unrelated disease seven years after HJ, one patient died unexpectedly four days after HJ repair and one patient died ten years into a complicated postoperative course including orthotopic liver transplantation. Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 > 2 cm < 2 cm FIGURE 1 Source: [14] Illustration of the Bismuth classification. Dan Med Bull / February DANISH MEDICAL BULLETIN The distribution of biliary injury level is shown in Table 1. A total of 22 patients (54%) had an entirely uneventful follow-up (median 9.2 years) with neither perioperative nor long-term complications. In all, 14 patients (34%) had perioperative complications (Table 2), including three patients with anastomotic leakage, six with intraabdominal abscess/biloma and four with wound infection. One patient was reoperated on day 32 due to bleeding from the right hepatic artery into the HJ. which required construction of a new HJ. One patient died on the fourth postoperative day after an apparently uncomplicated HJ repair (Bismuth 5 lesion), presumably secondary to a pulmonary embolus. Another three patients underwent PTC immediately after surgery on suspicion of anastomotic leakage (not found). Ten patients (24%) had long-term complications related to bile duct stricture. The median follow-up in this subgroup was 126 (43-172) months (Table 2). Biliary strictures were diagnosed a median of 11 mo