CdZnTe detectors tested at the DAΦNE collider for future kaonic atoms measurements
A. Scordo,L. Abbene,F. Artibani,M. Bazzi,M. Bettelli,D. Bosnar,G. Borghi,M. Bragadireanu,A. Buttacavoli,M. Cargnelli,M. Carminati,A. Clozza,F. Clozza,L. De Paolis,G. Deda,R. Del Grande,L. Fabbietti,C. Fiorini,I. Friščić,C. Guaraldo,M. Iliescu,M. Iwasaki,A. Khreptak,S. Manti,J. Marton,P. Moskal,F. Napolitano,S. Niedźwiecki,H. Ohnishi,K. Piscicchia,F. Principato,Y. Sada,F. Sgaramella,H. Shi,M. Silarski,D. L. Sirghi,F. Sirghi,M. Skurzok,A. Spallone,K. Toho,M. Tüchler,C. Yoshida,A. Zappettini,J. Zmeskal,C. Curceanu
Abstract:The SIDDHARTA-2 collaboration at the INFN Laboratories of Frascati (LNF) aims to perform groundbreaking measurements on kaonic atoms. In parallel and beyond the ongoing kaonic deuterium, presently running on the DA$\Phi$NE collider at LNF, we plan to install additional detectors to perform further kaonic atoms' studies, taking advantage of the unique low energy and low momentum spread $K^-$ beam delivered by the at-rest decay of the $\phi$ meson. CdZnTe devices are ideal for detecting transitions toward both the upper and lower levels of intermediate-mass kaonic atoms, like kaonic carbon and aluminium, which have an important impact on the strangeness sector of nuclear physics. We present the results obtained in a set of preliminary tests conducted on DA$\Phi$NE, in view of measurements foreseen in 2024, with the twofold aim to tune the timing window required to reject the extremely high electromagnetic background, and to quantify the readout electronics saturation effect due to the high rate, when placed close to the Interaction Region (IR). In the first test we used commercial devices and electronics, while for the second one both were customized at the IMEM-CNR of Parma and the University of Palermo. The results confirmed the possibility of finding and matching a proper timing window where to identify the signal events and proved better performances, in terms of energy resolution, of the custom system. In both cases, strong saturation effects were confirmed, accounting for a loss of almost 90\% of the events, which will be overcome by a dedicated shielding structure foreseen for the final experimental setup.
Instrumentation and Detectors,Nuclear Experiment