Alexandrov groupoids and the nuclear dimension of twisted groupoid C⁎-algebras
Kristin Courtney,Anna Duwenig,Magdalena C. Georgescu,Astrid an Huef,Maria Grazia Viola
IF: 1.891
Journal of Functional Analysis
Abstract:We consider a twist E over an étale groupoid G. When G is principal, we prove that the nuclear dimension of the reduced twisted groupoid C ⁎ -algebra is bounded by a number depending on the dynamic asymptotic dimension of G and the topological covering dimension of its unit space. This generalizes an analogous theorem by Guentner, Willett, and Yu for the C ⁎ -algebra of G. Our proof uses a reduction to the unital case where G has compact unit space, via a construction of “groupoid unitizations” G ˜ and E ˜ of G and E such that E ˜ is a twist over G ˜ . The construction of G ˜ is for r-discrete (hence for étale) groupoids G which are not necessarily principal. When G is étale, the dynamic asymptotic dimension of G and G ˜ coincide. We show that the minimal unitizations of the full and reduced twisted groupoid C ⁎ -algebras of the twist over G are isomorphic to the twisted groupoid C ⁎ -algebras of the twist over G ˜ . We apply our result about the nuclear dimension of the twisted groupoid C ⁎ -algebra to obtain a similar bound on the nuclear dimension of the C ⁎ -algebra of an étale groupoid with closed orbits and abelian stability subgroups that vary continuously.