Uniform Bounds for the Number of Rational Points of Bounded Height on Certain Elliptic Curves

Marta Dujella
Abstract:Let $E$ be an elliptic curve defined over a number field $k$ and $\ell$ a prime integer. When $E$ has at least one $k$-rational point of exact order $\ell$, we derive a uniform upper bound $\exp(C \log B / \log \log B)$ for the number of points of $E(k)$ of (exponential) height at most $B$. Here the constant $C = C(k)$ depends on the number field $k$ and is effective. For $\ell = 2$ this generalizes a result of Naccarato which applies for $k=\mathbb{Q}$. We follow methods previously developed by Bombieri and Zannier and further by Naccarato, with the main novelty being the application of Rosen's result on bounding $\ell$-ranks of class groups in certain extensions, which is derived using relative genus theory.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### The problems the paper attempts to solve This paper aims to solve the problem of uniform bounds on the number of rational points on elliptic curves, especially in the case of a given height limit. Specifically, the author attempts to give a unified upper - bound estimate for the number of \(k\)-rational points of the elliptic curve \(E\) defined over the number field \(k\), where these points have a height not exceeding a given value \(B\). #### Background and motivation For an elliptic curve \(E\) defined over a number field \(k\), it is known that the point set of \(E(k)\) can be represented as a finitely - generated abelian group by the Mordell - Weil theorem. The classical Néron result shows that as \(B\rightarrow\infty\), the number of points satisfying \(\hat{h}(P)\leq\log B\) is asymptotically \(c_E(\log B)^{r / 2}\), where \(r\) is the rank of \(E(k)\). However, in practical applications, one often hopes for an upper bound that is uniformly related to \(E\) and \(B\). Previously, Bombieri and Zannier studied elliptic curves defined over the field of rational numbers \(\mathbb{Q}\) with specific properties in [BZ04] and gave an asymptotic bound. Naccarato improved this result in [Nac21] and obtained a better asymptotic bound. #### Main contributions The main contribution of this paper is to generalize these results to an arbitrary number field \(k\), and for the family of elliptic curves with non - trivial \(k\)-rational \(\ell\)-torsion points (i.e., points of order \(\ell\)), an upper bound of the same quality is obtained. Specifically, the author proves the following main theorem: **Theorem 1.1**: Let \(k\) be a number field, \(\ell\) be a prime number, and \(E/k\) be an elliptic curve given by equation (1). If \(E(k)\cap E[\ell]\neq\{O\}\), that is, \(E\) has at least one \(k\)-rational point of order \(\ell\), then for all \(B\geq e^{\max\{h(E), e\}}\), we have \[|\{P\in E(k):\hat{h}(P)\leq\log B\}|\leq B^{C / \log\log B},\] where \(C = C(k,\ell)\) is an effective constant depending on the number field \(k\) and the prime number \(\ell\). Furthermore, for elliptic curves with an integral model (i.e., \(a, b, c\in\mathcal{O}_k\)), in the case where \(\ell\geq3\) and \(k\) contains the \(\ell\)-th primitive root of unity, a more refined upper bound can be further obtained. ### Method overview The author adopts the method of Bombieri and Zannier. The core idea is to use the bad reduction positions of the elliptic curve to obtain a good bound on the rank or use the lower bound of the height. By introducing Rosen's result on the bound of the \(\ell\)-rank of the class group, the author is able to deal with the problem of ramified prime numbers in the extension \(k(E[\ell])\), thereby obtaining the required upper bound. ### Conclusion By combining classical methods and new tools, this paper successfully generalizes the bound on the number of rational points on elliptic curves to an arbitrary number field and provides new insights for elliptic curves with non - trivial \(\ell\)-torsion points.