Invariants and -Spectrums of Local Theta Lifts
Hung Yean Loke,Jiajun Ma
Compositio Mathematica
Abstract:Let (C, C'S) be a type I irreducible reductive dual pair in Sp(W-R). We assume that (C, C') is in the stable range where G is the smaller member. Let K and K' be maximal compact subgroups of G and G' respectively. Let g = t circle plus p and g' = t' circle plus p' be the complexified Cartan decompositions of the Lie algebras of G and G' respectively. Let (K) over tilde and (K') over tilde be the inverse images of K and K' in the metaplectic double cover Sp(W-R) of Sp(W-R). Let rho be a genuine irreducible (g, (K) over tilde)-module. Our first main result is that if rho is unitarizable, then except for one special case, the full local theta lift rho' = Theta(rho) is equal to the local theta lift theta(rho). Thus excluding the special case, the full theta lift rho' is an irreducible and unitarizable (g', (K') over tilde)-module. Our second main result is that the associated variety and the associated cycle of p' are the theta lifts of the associated variety and the associated cycle of the contragredient representation p* respectively. Finally we obtain some interesting (9, (K) over tilde)-modules whose (K) over tilde -spectrums are isomorphic to the spaces of global sections of some vector bundles on some nilpotent K-C-orbits in p*.