On Minimal Polynomials of Elements in Symmetric and Alternating Groups
Velmurugan S
Abstract:Let $ (\rho, V) $ be an irreducible representation of the symmetric group $ S_n$ (or the alternating group $ A_n$), and let $ g $ be a permutation on $n$ letters with each of its cycle lengths divides the length of its largest cycle. We describe completely the minimal polynomial of $\rho(g)$, showing that, in most cases, it equals $x^{o(g)} - 1 $, with a few explicit exceptions. As a by-product, we obtain a new proof (using only combinatorics and representation theory) of a theorem of Swanson that gives a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a standard Young tableau of a given shape and major index $r \ \text{mod} \ n$, for all $r$. Thereby, we give a new proof of a celebrated result of Klyachko on Lie elements in a tensor algebra, and of a conjecture of Sundaram on the existence of an invariant vector for $n$-cycles. We also show that for elements $g$ in $S_n$ or $A_n$ of even order, in most cases, $\rho(g)$ has eigenvalue $-1$, with a few explicit exceptions.
Representation Theory,Combinatorics,Group Theory