N ov 2 00 2 A Uniformization Theorem Of Complete Noncompact Kähler Surfaces With Positive Bisectional Curvature
Bing,Long Chen,Siu – Hung Tang,Xi – Ping Zhu
Abstract:In this paper, by combining techniques from Ricci flow and algebraic geometry, we prove the following generalization of the classical uniformization theorem of Riemann surfaces. Given a complete non-compact complex two dimensional Kähler manifold M of positive and bounded holomorphic bisectional curvature, suppose its geodesic balls have Euclidean volume growth and its scalar curvature decays to zero at infinity in the average sense, then M is biholomorphic to C 2. During the proof, we also discover an interesting gap phenomenon which says that a Kähler manifold as above automatically has quadratic curvature decay at infinity in the average sense. One of the most beautiful results in complex analysis of one variable is the classical uniformization theorem of Riemann surfaces which states that a simply connected Riemann surface is biholomorphic to either the Riemann sphere, the complex line or the open unit disc. Unfortunately, a direct analog of this beautiful result to higher dimensions does not exist. For example, there is a vast variety of biholomorphically distinct complex structures on R 2n for n > 1, a fact which was already known to Poincaré (see [3], [9] for a modern 1