Using low Lift-to-Drag spacecraft to perform upper atmospheric Aero-Gravity Assisted Maneuvers
Jhonathan O. Murcia Piñeros,Rodolpho Vilhena de Moraes,Antônio F. Bertachini de Almeida Prado
Abstract:The Gravity Assisted Maneuver has been applied in lots of space missions, to change the spacecraft heliocentric velocity vector and the geometry of the orbit, after the close approach to a celestial body, saving propellant consumption. It is possible to take advantage of additional forces to improve the maneuver, like the forces generated by the spacecraft-atmosphere interaction and/or propulsion systems; reducing the time of flight and the need for multiple passages around secondary bodies. However, these applications require improvements in critical subsystems, which are necessary to accomplish the mission. In this paper, a few combinations of the Gravity-Assist were classified, including maneuvers with thrust and aerodynamic forces; presenting the advantages and limitations of these variations. There are analyzed the effects of implementing low Lift-to-Drag ratios at high altitudes for Aero-gravity Assist maneuvers, with and without propulsion. The maneuvers were simulated for Venus and Mars, due to their relevance in interplanetary missions, the interest in exploration, and the knowledge about their atmospheres. The Aero-gravity Assist maneuver with low Lift-to-Drag ratios at high altitudes shows an increase of more than 10° in the turn angle for Venus and 2.5° for Mars. The maneuvers increase the energy gains by more than 15% when compared to the Gravity-Assist. From the Technology Readiness Levels, it was observed that the current level of development of the space technology makes feasible the application of Aero-gravity Assisted Maneuvers at high altitudes in short term.
Dynamical Systems