Crystal Structure of Upper Cluster Algebras

Jiarui Fei
Abstract:We describe the upper seminormal crystal structure for the $\mu$-supported $\delta$-vectors for any quiver with potential with reachable frozen vertices, or equivalently for the tropical points of the corresponding cluster $\mc{X}$-variety. We show that the crystal structure can be algebraically lifted to the generic basis of the upper cluster algebra. This can be viewed as an additive categorification of the crystal structure arising from cluster algebras. We introduce the biperfect bases and the strong biperfect bases in the cluster algebra setting and give a description of all (strong) biperfect bases, which are parametrized by lattice points in a product of explicit polyhedral sets. We illustrate this theory from classical examples and new examples.
Representation Theory,Combinatorics,Rings and Algebras
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problems that this paper attempts to solve are to describe and understand the crystal structures in upper cluster algebras and to explore the intrinsic properties of these structures and their lifts in algebra and representation theory. Specifically, the author aims to: 1. **Detect and describe the crystal structures of upper cluster algebras**: The author hopes to find an "intrinsic" method to detect and describe the crystal structures of upper cluster algebras, that is, to read these structures directly from the exchange matrix without the need to know the underlying space in advance. 2. **Categorize these crystal structures**: The author attempts to categorize these crystal structures, that is, to lift them to the level of upper cluster algebras. This involves defining and studying algebraic operators related to crystal structures (such as raising and lowering operators) and proving that these operators can be lifted to derivations. 3. **Algebraically lift the combinatorial crystal structures to upper cluster algebras**: The author hopes to be able to algebraically lift these combinatorial crystal structures into upper cluster algebras, thereby establishing a stronger theoretical framework. To achieve these goals, the author has introduced several new concepts and techniques, including: - The definition and description of **biperfect bases** and **strong biperfect bases**. - The construction of **boundary representations** and **dual boundary representations**. - The definition and application of **general rank**. - The discussion of **tropical F - polynomials** and related pairings. Through these tools, the author can not only describe and understand the crystal structures in upper cluster algebras but also relate them to classical crystal structures (such as Kashiwara crystals), thus providing new perspectives and methods for this field. ### Formula Examples Some of the key formulas involved in the paper are as follows: - **Cartan - type matrix**: \[ c_{i,j}=2\delta_{i,j}-e(E^\mu_i, E^\mu_j)-e(E^\mu_j, E^\mu_i) \] - **Raising and lowering operators**: \[ r_i(\delta)=\delta+\epsilon_i+\text{rank}(\epsilon_i,\tau\delta)B_\Delta \] \[ l_i(\delta)=\delta - \check{\epsilon}_i+\text{rank}(\delta,\epsilon_i)B_\Delta \] - **Weight functions**: \[ \rho_i(\delta)=e(\delta, E_i) \] \[ \lambda_i(\delta)=\rho_i(\delta)+wti(\delta) \] These formulas help to define and calculate various properties in crystal structures, such as the actions of raising and lowering operators, the values of weight functions, etc.