Mean field limits of particle-based stochastic reaction-drift-diffusion models

Max Heldman,Samuel A. Isaacson,Qianhan Liu,Konstantinos Spiliopoulos
Abstract:We consider particle-based stochastic reaction-drift-diffusion models where particles move via diffusion and drift induced by one- and two-body potential interactions. The dynamics of the particles are formulated as measure-valued stochastic processes (MVSPs), which describe the evolution of the singular, stochastic concentration fields of each chemical species. The mean field large population limit of such models is derived and proven, giving coarse-grained deterministic partial integro-differential equations (PIDEs) for the limiting deterministic concentration fields' dynamics. We generalize previous studies on the mean field limit of models involving only diffusive motion, with care to formulating the MVSP representation to ensure detailed balance of reversible reactions in the presence of potentials. Our work illustrates the more general set of PIDEs that arise in the mean field limit, demonstrating that the limiting macroscopic reactive interaction terms for reversible reactions obtain additional nonlinear concentration-dependent coefficients compared to the purely diffusive case. Numerical studies are presented which illustrate that two-body repulsive potential interactions can have a significant impact on the reaction dynamics, and also demonstrate the empirical numerical convergence of solutions to the PBSRDD model to the derived mean field PIDEs as the population size increases.
Probability,Mathematical Physics,Analysis of PDEs,Dynamical Systems
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is how to derive the mean - field limits of these models in the large - particle limit after introducing one - and two - dimensional potential - field interactions in Particle - Based Stochastic Reaction - Drift - Diffusion Models (PBSRDD). Specifically, the authors consider models in which particles move through diffusion and drift motion caused by one - and two - dimensional potential fields, and formulate the particle dynamics as Measure - Valued Stochastic Processes (MVSPs). These processes describe the evolution of the singular stochastic concentration fields of each chemical species. ### Main problems of the paper 1. **Model description**: The paper first defines a particle - based stochastic reaction - drift - diffusion model, in which particles are not only subject to diffusive motion but also to the drift influence of one - and two - dimensional potential fields. These potential fields can simulate the attractive or repulsive forces between molecules, as well as the influence of the background potential field on particle motion. 2. **Mean - field limit**: The core problem of the paper is to derive the mean - field limits of these models when the number of particles tends to infinity. Specifically, the authors hope to prove that in the case of a large number of particles, the microscopic dynamics of these models can converge to a set of deterministic Partial Integro - Differential Equations (PIDEs), which describe the evolution of the macroscopic concentration fields. 3. **Detailed balance**: In the process of deriving the mean - field limit, the authors pay special attention to how to ensure the detailed balance condition of the reaction system. This means that in the equilibrium state, the forward and reverse reaction fluxes are statistically balanced. To achieve this, the authors introduce an additional acceptance / rejection probability mechanism to ensure that the reaction process satisfies the detailed balance condition. ### Formula representation The mathematical formulas involved in the paper include: - **Particle motion equation**: \[ dQ_i^t = -\left( \nabla v_j(Q_i^t) + \frac{1}{\gamma} \sum_{j' \neq j} \sum_{k \in \Gamma_{j'}} \nabla u_{j,j'}(\|Q_i^t - Q_k^t\|) + \frac{1}{\gamma} \sum_{k \in \Gamma_j, k \neq i} \nabla u_{j,j}(\|Q_i^t - Q_k^t\|) \right) dt + \sqrt{2D_j} dW_i^t \] where \( v_j(x) \) is the one - dimensional potential field of type \( j \) particles at position \( x \), \( u_{j,j'}(\|x - y\|) \) is the two - dimensional potential field between type \( j \) and \( j' \) particles located at \( x \) and \( y \), \( D_j \) is the diffusion coefficient of type \( j \) particles, and \( W_i^t \) is a standard Brownian motion. - **Mean - field limit equation**: \[ \partial_t A(x, t) = D_A \Delta_x A(x, t) + \nabla_x \cdot (\nabla_x v_1(x) A(x, t)) + \nabla_x \cdot \left( A(x, t) \int_{\mathbb{R}^d} \left( \nabla u_{1,1}(\|x - y\|) A(y, t) + \nabla u_{1,2}(\|x - y\|) B(y, t) + \nabla u_{1,3}(\|x - y\|) C(y, t) \right) dy \right) \] \[ - \left( \int_{\mathbb{R}^d} K_1(x, y) \left( \int_{\mathbb{R}^d} \cdots \right) \right)