Infinite Combinatorics revisited in the absence of Axiom of Choice
Tamás Csernák,Lajos Soukup
Abstract:We investigate the provability of classical combinatorial theorems in ZF. Using combinatorial arguments, we establish the following results for each infinite cardinal ${\kappa}\in On$,
(1) ${\kappa}^+\to ({\kappa},{\omega}+1)$,
(2) any family $\mathcal A\subset [{On}]^{<{\omega}}$ of size ${\kappa}^+$ contains a $\Delta$-system of size ${\kappa}$,
(3) given a set mapping $F:{\kappa}\to {[{\kappa}]}^{<{\omega}}$, the set ${\kappa}$ has a partition into ${\omega}$-many $F$-free sets,
By employing Karagila's method of absoluteness, we prove the following for each uncountable cardinal ${\kappa}\in On$,
(4) given a set mapping $F:{\kappa}\to {[{\kappa}^]}^{<{\omega}}$, there is an $F$-free set of cardinality ${\kappa}$,
(5) for each natural number $n$, every family $\mathcal A\subset {[{\kappa}]}^{\omega}$with $|A\cap B|\le n$ for $\{A,B\}\in {[\mathcal A]}^{2}$ has property $B$,
In contrast to (5), we show that the following statement is not provable from ZF + $cf({\omega}_1)={\omega}_1$:
(6*) every family $\mathcal A\subset {[{\omega}_1]}^{\omega}$ with $|A\cap B|\le 1$ for $\{A,B\}\in {[\mathcal A]}^{2}$ is "essentially disjoint" .
The following statements are not provable in ZF, but they are equivalent in ZF:
(i) $cf({\omega}_1)={\omega}_1$,
(ii) ${\omega}_1\to ({\omega}_1,{\omega}+1)^2$,
(iii) any family $\mathcal A\subset [{On}]^{<{\omega}}$ of size ${\omega}_1$ contains a $\Delta$-system of size ${\omega}_1$.
A function $f$ is a "uniform denumeration on ${\omega}_1$" iff $dom(f)={\omega}_1$ and for every ${\alpha}<{\omega}_1$, $f({\alpha})$ is a function from ${\omega}$ onto ${\alpha}$. It is evident that the existence of a uniform denumeration of ${\omega}_1$ implies $cf({\omega}_1)={\omega}_1$. We prove that the failure of the reverse implication is equiconsistent with the existence of an inaccessible cardinal.