Abstract:An infinitely large Koch fractal is shown to be capable of sustaining only extended, Bloch-like eigenstates, if certain parameters of the Hamiltonian describing the lattice are numerically correlated in a special way, and a magnetic flux of a special strength is trapped in every loop of the geometry. We describe the system within a tight binding formalism and prescribe the desired correlation between the numerical values of the nearest neighbor overlap integrals, along with a special value of the magnetic flux trapped in the triangular loops decorating the fractal. With such conditions, the lattice, despite the absence of translational order of any kind whatsoever, yields an absolutely continuous eigenvalue spectrum, and becomes completely transparent to an incoming electron with any energy within the allowed band. The results are analytically exact. An in-depth numerical study of the inverse participation ratio and the two-terminal transmission coefficient corroborates our findings. Our conclusions remain valid for a large set of lattice models, built with the same structural units, but beyond the specific geometry of a Koch fractal, unraveling a subtle universality in a variety of such low dimensional systems.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is whether all single - particle states in the Koch fractal lattice can be completely delocalized under specific conditions, that is, form extended, Bloch - like eigenstates. Specifically:
1. **Research Background**:
- Normally, in a disordered environment, the interference of multiple scattering events will lead to the localization of waves, which is so - called Anderson localization.
- In two - dimensional and one - dimensional systems, all single - particle states are usually localized even in the presence of any degree of disorder.
- However, some studies have shown that partial delocalization can be observed in lattices with geometry - related disorder, but these delocalized states only appear at specific energy eigenvalues.
2. **Research Questions**:
- This paper explores a counter - intuitive situation: during the electron propagation in a structured disordered environment, whether all single - particle states can be completely delocalized.
- Specifically, the author selects a recursively grown Koch fractal geometric structure as the research object and attempts to achieve this goal by adjusting the Hamiltonian parameters and introducing a magnetic flux of a specific intensity.
3. **Key Conditions**:
- The paper proposes that if there is a certain special numerical relationship among the Hamiltonian parameters of the Koch fractal lattice (especially the nearest - neighbor hopping integrals), and a magnetic flux of a specific intensity is trapped in each triangular loop, the entire energy spectrum can become absolutely continuous and all eigenstates are extended.
- These conditions include:
- The special relationship among the nearest - neighbor hopping integrals \( t \), \( x \exp(\pm i\theta_x) \) and \( y \exp(\pm i\theta_y) \).
- The magnetic flux \( \Phi=\frac{1}{4}\Phi_0 \) trapped in each triangular loop, where \( \Phi_0 = \frac{hc}{e} \) is the fundamental magnetic flux quantum.
4. **Results and Significance**:
- Under the above - mentioned conditions, although the Koch fractal lattice lacks translational invariance, it can support an absolutely continuous energy spectrum and is completely transparent to any incident electrons within the allowed band.
- This result is not only applicable to the Koch fractal, but may also be extended to other similar low - dimensional systems, revealing the subtle universality of such systems.
Through these studies, the author shows that under specific conditions, even a highly disordered system may achieve complete delocalization, which provides a new perspective for understanding the quantum transport properties in complex disordered systems.