Abstract:We study quantum dynamics of a wave packet on a class of one dimensional decorated aperiodic lattices, described within a tight binding formalism. We look for the possibility of finding extended single particle states even in the absence of any translational periodicity. The chosen lattices are stubbed with one or more atoms, tunnel coupled to the backbone, thereby introducing a minimal quasi-one dimensionality. It is seen that, for a group of such lattices a certain correlation between the numerical values of the hopping amplitudes leads to a complete delocalization of single particle states. In some other cases, a special value of a magnetic flux trapped in the loops present in the geometries delocalize the states, leading to a flux driven insulator to metal transition. The mean square displacement, temporal autocorrelation function, the time dependence of the inverse participation ratio, or the information entropy - the so-called hallmarks of studying localization based on dynamics - all of them indicate such a complete turnover in the nature of the single particle states and the character of the energy spectrum under suitable conditions. The results shown in this work using quasiperiodic lattices of the Fibonacci family are much more general and hold good even for a randomly disordered arrangement of the building blocks of the systems considered, and indicate a subtle universality class under which these lattices can be grouped.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to achieve complete delocalization of single - particle states in a class of one - dimensional aperiodic lattices. Specifically, the authors studied the quantum - dynamical behavior of wave packets on one - dimensional decorated aperiodic lattices, which are described by the tight - binding model. They explored the possibility of the existence of extended single - particle states in the absence of translational periodicity.
### Main problems
1. **Achieving complete delocalization of single - particle states**: The authors hope to find a method, under certain specific conditions, such that all single - particle states become extended (i.e., delocalized) in these aperiodic lattices, rather than being localized.
2. **The role of magnetic flux**: In some cases, a magnetic flux of a specific value can lead to the delocalization of states, thus triggering a magnetic - flux - driven insulator - to - metal transition.
3. **Verifying the existence of extended states**: Verify the changes in the properties of single - particle states under these conditions by analyzing dynamic indicators such as the mean - square displacement, the time - auto - correlation function, the inverse participation ratio, or the information entropy.
### Research background
- The traditional Anderson localization theory points out that random disorder will lead to the suppression of wave propagation, thus confining the wave to a finite region in space. In particular, in one - dimensional systems, almost all single - particle states are exponentially localized.
- Research in recent decades has shown that in some one - dimensional lattices that are not translation - invariant, there are extended eigenstates. For example, the random - dimer model (RDM) shows that disorder related to local positions can lead to unscattered eigenfunctions.
### Research objectives
The authors' objective is to explore whether all states can be made extended in one - dimensional or quasi - one - dimensional decorated lattices and the energy spectrum is absolutely continuous. To this end, they introduced the following methods:
- **Lattice decoration**: Introduce minimal quasi - one - dimensionality by attaching atomic sites to the main chain.
- **The influence of magnetic flux**: Introduce magnetic flux in some geometric structures and observe its influence on the wave - packet dynamics.
### Conclusions
Through the above methods, the authors found that:
- For some decorated lattices, when there is a specific numerical correlation between the hopping integrals, complete delocalization of single - particle states can be achieved.
- In some cases, a magnetic flux of a specific value can lead to the delocalization of states, thus triggering a magnetic - flux - driven insulator - to - metal transition.
- Dynamic indicators such as the mean - square displacement, the time - auto - correlation function, the inverse participation ratio, and the information entropy all indicate that, under appropriate conditions, the properties of single - particle states have undergone a complete change and the energy spectrum has also become continuous.
### Formula representation
The formulas involved in the paper are represented in Markdown format as follows:
- Tight - binding Hamiltonian:
H=\epsilon|n\rangle\langle n|+\sum_{<nm>}V_{nm}|n\rangle\langle m|+\text{h.c.}
- Discrete form of the time - independent Schrödinger equation:
(E - \epsilon)\psi_n=\sum_mV_{nm}\psi_m
- Transfer matrix \(M_n\):
E-\epsilon_n&-V_{n,n - 1}\\
V_{n,n + 1}&0
- Mean - square displacement \(\sigma^2(t)\):
\sigma^2(t)=\sum_n(n - m)^2|\psi_n(t)|^2
Through these studies, the authors revealed the possibility of achieving complete delocalization in a class of aperiodic lattices and provided a new perspective for understanding quantum dynamics.