Recommender System Expedited Quantum Control Optimization
Priya Batra,M. Harshanth Ram,T. S. Mahesh
Abstract:Quantum control optimization algorithms are routinely used to generate optimal quantum gates or efficient quantum state transfers. However, there are two main challenges in designing efficient optimization algorithms, namely overcoming the sensitivity to local optima and improving the computational speed. The former challenge can be dealt with by designing hybrid algorithms, such as a combination of gradient and simulated annealing methods. Here, we propose and demonstrate the use of a machine learning method, specifically the recommender system (RS), to deal with the latter challenge of enhancing computational efficiency. We first describe ways to set up a rating matrix involving gradients or gate fidelities. We then establish that RS can rapidly and accurately predict elements of a sparse rating matrix. Using this approach, we expedite a gradient ascent based quantum control optimization, namely GRAPE and demonstrate the faster performance for up to 8 qubits. Finally, we describe and implement the enhancement of the computational speed of a hybrid algorithm, namely SAGRAPE.
Quantum Physics,Systems and Control