On the Analytic Langlands Corrrespondence for $\operatorname{PGL}_2$ in Genus 0 with Wild Ramification
Daniil Klyuev,Atticus Wang
Abstract:The analytic Langlands correspondence was developed by Etingof, Frenkel and Kazhdan in <a class="link-https" data-arxiv-id="1908.09677" href="https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.09677">arXiv:1908.09677</a>, <a class="link-https" data-arxiv-id="2103.01509" href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.01509">arXiv:2103.01509</a>, <a class="link-https" data-arxiv-id="2106.05243" href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.05243">arXiv:2106.05243</a>, <a class="link-https" data-arxiv-id="2311.03743" href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.03743">arXiv:2311.03743</a>. For a curve $X$ and a group $G$ over a local field $F$, in the tamely ramified setting one considers the variety $\operatorname{Bun}_G$ of stable $G$-bundles on $X$ with Borel reduction at a finite subset $S\subset X$ of points. On one side of this conjectural correspondence there are Hecke operators on $L^2(\operatorname{Bun}_G)$, the Hilbert space of square-integrable half-densities on $\operatorname{Bun}_G$; on the other side there are certain opers with regular singularities at $S$. In this paper we prove the main conjectures of analytic Langlands correspondence in the case $G = \operatorname{PGL}_2$, $X=\mathbb{P}^1_{\mathbb{C}}$ with wild ramification, i.e. when several points in $S$ are collided together.
Algebraic Geometry,Mathematical Physics,Functional Analysis,Representation Theory