A new sulfur bioconversion process development for energy- and space-efficient secondary wastewater treatment

Chu-Kuan Jiang,Yang-Fan Deng,Hongxiao Guo,Guang-Hao Chen,Di Wu
Abstract:Harvesting organic matter from wastewater is widely applied to maximize energy recovery; however, it limits the applicability of secondary treatment for acceptable effluent discharge into surface water bodies. To turn this bottleneck issue into an opportunity, this study developed oxygen-induced thiosulfatE production duRing sulfATe reductiOn (EARTO) to provide an efficient electron donor for wastewater treatment. Typical pretreated wastewater was synthesized with chemical oxygen demand of 110 mg/L, sulfate of 50 mg S/L, and varying dissolved oxygen (DO) and was fed into a moving-bed biofilm reactor (MBBR). The MBBR was operated continuously with a short hydraulic retention time of 40 min for 349 days. The formation rate of thiosulfate reached 0.12-0.18 g S/(m2.d) with a high produced thiosulfate-S/TdS-S ratio of 38-73% when influent DO was 2.7-3.6 mg/L. The sludge yield was 0.23-0.29 gVSS/gCOD, much lower than it was in conventional activated sludge processes. Then, batch tests and metabolism analysis were conducted to confirm the oxygen effect on thiosulfate formation, characterize the roles of sulfate and microbial activities, and explore the mechanism of oxygen-induced thiosulfate formation in ERATO. Results examined that oxygen supply promoted the thiosulfate-Sproduced/TdS-Sproduced ratio from 4% to 24-26%, demonstrated that sulfate and microbial activities were critical for thiosulfate production, and indicated that oxygen induces thiosulfate formation through two pathways: 1) direct sulfide oxidation, and 2) indirect sulfide oxidation, sulfide is first oxidized to S0 (dominant) which then reacts with sulfite derived from oxygen-regulated biological sulfate reduction. The proposed compact ERATO process, featuring high thiosulfate production and low sludge production, supports space- and energy-efficient secondary wastewater treatment.
Other Quantitative Biology
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### Problems the Paper Aims to Solve This paper aims to develop a new sulfur biotransformation process (ERATO) that utilizes oxygen induction to generate sulfite during sulfate reduction, thereby achieving efficient secondary wastewater treatment. Specifically, the research objectives include: 1. **Developing a New Process**: Introducing oxygen into a moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) to promote the generation of sulfite, thereby improving wastewater treatment efficiency. 2. **System Performance Evaluation**: Assessing the long-term operational performance of the system, particularly under different dissolved oxygen concentrations. 3. **Microbial Community Analysis**: Identifying functional microbial communities and exploring their impact on sulfite generation in the presence of oxygen. 4. **Mechanism Exploration**: Investigating the specific mechanisms and metabolic pathways of oxygen-induced sulfite generation. The study found that at appropriate dissolved oxygen concentrations (2.7–3.6 mg/L), the sulfite generation rate significantly increased, reaching 0.12–0.18 g S/(m²·d), and the proportion of sulfite to total dissolved sulfur was as high as 38–73%. This indicates that the presence of oxygen can significantly promote sulfite generation and help improve wastewater treatment efficiency.