Polarised quark distributions in the nucleon from semi-inclusive spin asymmetries
B Adeva, T Akdogan, E Arik, A Arvidson, B Badelek, G Bardin, Guenter Baum, P Berglund, L Betev, R Birsa, N de Botton, Franco Bradamante, A Bravar, Andrea Bressan, S Bültmann, E Burtin, D Crabb, J Cranshaw, T Cuhadar, SILVIA Dalla Torre, R van Dantzig, B Derro, A Deshpande, S Dhawan, C Dulya, S Eichblatt, D Fasching, F Feinstein, C Fernandez, S Forthmann, B Frois, A Gallas, JA Garzon, H Gilly, MARCELLO Giorgi, E von Goeler, S Goertz, G Gracia, N de Groot, M Grosse Perdekamp, K Haft, D von Harrach, T Hasegawa, P Hautle, N Hayashi, CA Heusch, N Horikawa, VW Hughes, G Igo, S Ishimoto, T Iwata, EM Kabuss, T Kageya, A Karev, HJ Kessler, TJ Ketel, J Kiryluk, Yu Kisselev, D Krämer, V Krivokhijine, W Kröger, V Kukhtin, K Kurek, J Kyynäräinen, M Lamanna, U Landgraf, JM Le Goff, F Lehar, A de Lesquen, J Lichtenstadt, M Litmaath, A Magnon, GK Mallot, F Marie, ANNA Martin, J Martino, T Matsuda, B Mayes, JS McCarthy, K Medved, W Meyer, G van Middelkoop, David Miller, Y Miyachi, K Mori, J Moromisato, J Nassalski, L Naumann, TO Niinikoski, JEJ Oberski, A Ogawa, C Ozben, H Pereira, F Perrot-Kunne, D Peshekhonov, L Pinsky, S Platchkov, M Plo, D Pose, H Postma, J Pretz, R Puntaferro, G Rädel, A Rijllart, G Reicherz, J Roberts, M Rodriguez, E Rondio, B Roscherr, I Sabo, J Saborido, A Sandacz, I Savin, PAOLO Schiavon, A Schiller, EP Sichtermann, F Simeoni, GI Smirnov, A Staude, A Steinmetz, U Stiegler, H Stuhrmann, M Szleper, F Tessarotto, D Thers, W Tlaczala, A Tripet, G Unel, M Velasco, J Vogt, R Voss, C Whitten, R Windmolders, R Willumeit, W Wislicki, A Witzmann, J Ylöstalo, AM Zanetti, K Zaremba, J Zhao, Spin Muon Collaboration
Abstract:We present a measurement of semi-inclusive spin asymmetries for positively and negatively charged hadrons from deep inelastic scattering of polarised muons on polarised protons and deuterons in the range 0.003<x<0.7 and Q2>1 GeV2. Compared to our previous publication on this subject, with the new data the statistical errors have been reduced by nearly a factor of two. From these asymmetries and our inclusive spin asymmetries we determine the polarised quark distributions of valence quarks and non-strange sea quarks at Q2=10 GeV2. The polarised u valence quark distribution, Δuv(x), is positive and the polarisation increases with x. The polarised d valence quark distribution, Δdv(x), is negative and the non-strange sea distribution, Δ q ̄ (x) , is consistent with zero over the measured range of x. We find for the first moments ∫ 0 1 Δu v(x) d x=0.77±0.10±0.08 , ∫ 0 1 Δd v(x) d x=−0.52±0.14±0.09 and ∫ 0 …