A conservative Galerkin solver for the quasilinear diffusion model in magnetized plasmas

Kun Huang,Michael Abdelmalik,Boris Breizman,Irene M. Gamba
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2023.112220
Abstract:The quasilinear theory describes the resonant interaction between particles and waves with two coupled equations: one for the evolution of the particle probability density function(\textit{pdf}), the other for the wave spectral energy density(\textit{sed}). In this paper, we propose a conservative Galerkin scheme for the quasilinear model in three-dimensional momentum space and three-dimensional spectral space, with cylindrical symmetry. We construct an unconditionally conservative weak form, and propose a discretization that preserves the unconditional conservation property, by "unconditional" we mean that conservation is independent of the singular transition probability. The discrete operators, combined with a consistent quadrature rule, will preserve all the conservation laws rigorously. The technique we propose is quite general: it works for both relativistic and non-relativistic systems, for both magnetized and unmagnetized plasmas, and even for problems with time-dependent dispersion relations. We represent the particle \textit{pdf} by continuous basis functions, and use discontinuous basis functions for the wave \textit{sed}, thus enabling the application of a positivity-preserving technique. The marching simplex algorithm, which was initially designed for computer graphics, is adopted for numerical integration on the resonance manifold. We introduce a semi-implicit time discretization, and discuss the stability condition. In addition, we present numerical examples with a "bump on tail" initial configuration, showing that the particle-wave interaction results in a strong anisotropic diffusion effect on the particle \textit{pdf}.
Computational Physics
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is the numerical solution of the quasi - linear diffusion model of particle - wave interactions in magnetized plasmas. Specifically, the authors propose a conservative Galerkin solver for dealing with the quasi - linear model in three - dimensional momentum space and three - dimensional spectral space, with cylindrical symmetry. This method aims to address the limitations of existing numerical methods in handling high - dimensional problems, especially when it comes to the resonance conditions between particles and waves, complex dispersion relations, nonlinearity, and integral conservation laws in different spaces. ### Background and Problem Description of the Paper 1. **Background**: - The **Vlasov - Maxwell system** and the **Vlasov - Poisson system** are widely used to describe the collective effects of particles. - Although numerical methods for these systems have been extensively studied, in high - dimensional problems, simplified models are usually required to reduce computational complexity. - The **electron runaway problem** is one of the main motivations for this research, especially in magnetic confinement fusion reactors such as ITER, where runaway electrons may damage the reactor wall. 2. **Problem**: - The **quasi - linear theory** is a simplified mean - field model for describing particle - wave interactions. This theory is obtained by averaging and linearizing the original Vlasov - Maxwell system under weak turbulence conditions. - Existing numerical methods face challenges when dealing with the quasi - linear theory, especially when dealing with resonance conditions (described by the Dirac delta function), complex dispersion relations, high - dimensionality, nonlinearity, and integral conservation laws in different spaces. ### Solutions 1. **Proposed Method**: - The authors propose a **conservative Galerkin solver** for solving the quasi - linear particle - wave interaction system. - This method constructs an unconditionally conservative weak form and proposes a discretization method to ensure that all conservation laws still hold strictly in the discrete case. - Using continuous basis functions to represent the probability density function (pdf) of particles and discontinuous basis functions to represent the spectral energy density (sed) of waves, so that the positivity - preserving technique can be applied. - Adopting the **marching simplex algorithm** for numerical integration on the resonance manifold. 2. **Main Contributions**: - A new integro - differential form and its corresponding unconditionally conservative weak form are proposed. - By analyzing the weak form, the causes of discretization errors are located, and a perfect discretization method is constructed by replacing the projections of certain quantities in their discrete finite - element spaces. - It is proved that this method can maintain the unconditionally conservative property on any discretized resonance manifold. ### Mathematical Models and Methods 1. **Quasi - linear Particle - Wave Interaction System**: - This system consists of a diffusion equation describing the electron probability distribution function (pdf) and a reaction equation describing the wave spectral energy density (sed). - These two equations are coupled together through coefficients and inherit the mass, momentum, and energy conservation properties of the original Vlasov - Maxwell system. 2. **Integro - differential Strong Form**: - By introducing emission/absorption kernels and directional differential operators, the system is rewritten in integro - differential form. - The emission/absorption kernel \( B(p, k) \) and the directional differential operator \( L(g(p)) \) are defined, and the equivalent integro - differential form of the system is derived. 3. **Unconditionally Conservative Weak Form**: - By using test functions and an appropriate order of integration, the weak form of the system is derived. - It is proved that this weak form can maintain mass, momentum, and energy conservation even on the approximate resonance manifold. 4. **Sparse Interaction Tensor**: - By expanding the discrete particle pdf and wave sed with basis functions, the semi - discrete system is transformed into a finite - dimensional nonlinear ordinary differential equation system. - The interaction tensors \( B \) and \( H \) are sparse tensors because the basis functions have local support and the resonance characteristics of the trilinear form. ### Conclusion This paper proposes a conservative Galerkin solver for dealing with the quasi - linear particle - wave interaction problems in magnetized plasmas. This method not only theoretically guarantees the conservation properties, but also in practical numerical