Numerical Methods of the Maxwell-Stefan Diffusion Equations and Applications in Plasma and Particle Transport

Juergen Geiser
Abstract:In this paper, we present a model based on a local thermodynamic equilibrium, weakly ionized plasma-mixture model used for medical and technical applications in etching processes. We consider a simplified model based on the Maxwell-Stefan model, which describe multicomponent diffusive fluxes in the gas mixture. Based on additional conditions to the fluxes, we obtain an irreducible and quasi-positive diffusion matrix. Such problems results into nonlinear diffusion equations, which are more delicate to solve as standard diffusion equations with Fickian's approach. We propose explicit time-discretisation methods embedded to iterative solvers for the nonlinearities. Such a combination allows to solve the delicate nonlinear differential equations more effective. We present some first ternary component gaseous mixtures and discuss the numerical methods.
Numerical Analysis
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is: in plasma and particle transport, how to effectively simulate and solve the diffusion process in multi - component gas mixtures. Specifically, the author focuses on the weakly ionized plasma mixture model based on the Maxwell - Stefan diffusion equation, which is used in etching processes in medical and industrial applications. ### Problem Background 1. **Limitations of the Classical Diffusion Model**: - Traditional diffusion descriptions are usually based on Fick's law, which assumes that the diffusion flux is proportional to the concentration gradient. - This simplified method cannot accurately describe the complex interactions in multi - component systems, such as the phenomenon of reverse diffusion (uphill diffusion). 2. **Advantages of the Maxwell - Stefan Diffusion Equation**: - The Maxwell - Stefan diffusion equation takes into account the balance of interaction forces between different species and can describe the multi - component diffusion process in more detail. - By introducing an irreducible and quasi - positive diffusion matrix, cross - effects such as reverse diffusion can be better modeled. ### Research Objectives - **Establish a Mathematical Model**: Based on the Maxwell - Stefan diffusion equation, establish a mathematical model to describe multi - component gas mixtures. - **Numerical Solution Method**: Propose an explicit time - discretization method combined with an iterative solver to handle the nonlinear diffusion equation in order to improve the solution efficiency. - **Application Verification**: Verify the effectiveness of the proposed model and method through numerical experiments and discuss their applications in plasma and particle transport. ### Key Challenges - **Solution of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations**: The nonlinear partial differential equations resulting from the Maxwell - Stefan diffusion equation are more difficult to solve than the standard Fick diffusion equation. - **Numerical Stability**: Ensure the stability and accuracy of the numerical method for large time steps. ### Main Contributions - Proposed a multi - component gas mixture model based on the Maxwell - Stefan diffusion equation. - Developed an explicit time - discretization method combined with an iterative solver to effectively solve the nonlinear diffusion equation. - Verified the effectiveness of the model and method through numerical experiments, especially in terms of uphill diffusion and asymptotic behavior. ### Overview of the Mathematical Model In the paper, the Maxwell - Stefan diffusion equation was derived and applied to a three - component gas mixture (hydrogen \(H_2\), nitrogen \(N_2\) and carbon dioxide \(CO_2\)). The key equations are as follows: \[ \frac{\partial \xi_i}{\partial t}+\nabla\cdot N_i = 0,\quad i = 1,2,3 \] \[ \sum_{j = 1}^3 N_j=0 \] \[ \frac{\xi_2 N_1-\xi_1 N_2}{D_{12}}+\frac{\xi_3 N_1-\xi_1 N_3}{D_{13}}=-\nabla\xi_1 \] \[ \frac{\xi_1 N_2-\xi_2 N_1}{D_{12}}+\frac{\xi_3 N_2-\xi_2 N_3}{D_{23}}=-\nabla\xi_2 \] Here, \(\xi_i\) represents the mole fraction of the \(i\)-th component, \(N_i\) represents the diffusion flux of the \(i\)-th component, and \(D_{ij}\) represents the binary diffusion coefficient. Through these equations, the author successfully described the complex diffusion process in multi - component gas mixtures and proposed an effective numerical solution method.