Abstract:In [<a class="link-https" data-arxiv-id="2107.01437" href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.01437">arXiv:2107.01437</a>], the authors studied the mean-square of certain sums of the divisor function $d_k(f)$ over the function field $\mathbb{F}_q[T]$ in the limit as $q \to \infty$ and related these sums to integrals over the ensemble of symplectic matrices, along similar lines as previous work of Keating, Rodgers, Roditty-Gershon and Rudnick [<a class="link-https" data-arxiv-id="1504.07804" href="https://arxiv.org/abs/1504.07804">arXiv:1504.07804</a>] for unitary matrices. We present an analogous problem yielding an integral over the ensemble of orthogonal matrices and pursue a more detailed study of both the symplectic and orthogonal matrix integrals, relating them to symmetric function theory. The function field results lead to conjectures concerning analogous questions over number fields.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problems that this paper attempts to solve mainly focus on the connection between arithmetic and the integrals of specific matrix ensembles (such as symplectic matrices and orthogonal matrices) related to the divisor function. Specifically, the author has studied the following aspects:
1. **Integrals of symplectic matrix ensembles**: The author explored the behavior of the mean - square value of the divisor function \(d_k(f)\) over the finite field \(F_q[T]\) as \(q \to \infty\), and related it to the integral over the symplectic matrix ensemble. Specifically, they considered the integral in the following form:
I_{S}^{d_k,2}(n;N) := \int_{Sp(2N)} \left| \sum_{j_1 + \cdots + j_k = n} \prod_{i = 1}^k S_{c_{j_i}}(U) \right|^2 dU
where \(S_{c_j}(U)\) is the characteristic coefficient.
2. **Integrals of orthogonal matrix ensembles**: Similarly, the author also studied the integrals over the orthogonal matrix ensemble and explored their relationship with the divisor function. The specific integral form is:
I_{O}^{d_k,2}(n;N) := \int_{O(2N + 1)} \left| \sum_{j_1 + \cdots + j_k = n} \prod_{i = 1}^k S_{c_{j_i}}(U) \right|^2 dU
3. **Asymptotic behavior of polynomials**: The author proved that these integrals are polynomials in \(N\) under certain conditions and gave the order of the polynomials. For example, in Theorems 1.1 and 1.5, it was respectively proved that \(I_{S}^{d_k,2}(c2N;N)\) and \(I_{O}^{d_k,2}(c(2N + 1);N)\) are polynomials in \(N\), and the highest degrees are \(2k^2 + k - 2\) and \(2k^2 - k - 2\) respectively.
4. **Conjectures and generalizations**: Based on the above results, the author proposed several conjectures, generalized these results to number fields, and explored the distribution problem of the divisor function in number fields. For example, Conjecture 1.9 and Conjecture 1.11 respectively involve the variance of the divisor function weighted by quadratic residues modulo \(p\) and quadratic characters.
In summary, this paper aims to reveal the asymptotic behavior of these integrals by studying the relationship between the divisor function and the integrals of different types of matrix ensembles, and apply them to related problems in number theory.