Descent and étale-Brauer obstructions for 0-cycles
Francesca Balestrieri,Jennifer Berg
Abstract:For 0-cycles on a variety over a number field, we define an analogue of the classical descent set for rational points. This leads to, among other things, a definition of the étale-Brauer obstruction set for 0-cycles, which we show is contained in the Brauer-Manin set and is compatible with Suslin's singular homology of degree 0. We then transfer some tools and techniques used to study the arithmetic of rational points into the setting of 0-cycles. For example, we extend the strategy developed by Y. Liang, relating the arithmetic of rational points over finite extensions of the base field to that of 0-cycles, to torsors. We give applications of our results to study the arithmetic behaviour of 0-cycles for Enriques surfaces, torsors given by (twisted) Kummer varieties, universal torsors, and torsors under tori.
Number Theory,Algebraic Geometry