Singular words, invertible substitutions and local isomorphisms
ZX Wen,ZY Wen,J Wu
Abstract:One-dimensional (1D) quasiperiodic Schrödinger equations have been studied by many authors in recent years (see for example [21]). In particular, much attention has been focussed on quasiperiodic potentials that are derived from the Fibonacci sequence, providing a. kind of prototype models for studying quasiperiodic systems. Starting from the Fibonacci sequence, some authors have proposed diverse generalisations [22]. On the other hand, the combinatorial properties of the Fibonacci infinite word are of great interest in mathematics and physics, such as fractal geometry, quasicrystals, number theory, formal language, computational complexity etc. See [1,3,4,5,7,11,12,13,14,17,22]. Moreover, the properties of the subwords of the Fibonacci infinite word have been studied extensively by many authors [3,7,13]. In this lecture, we shall present some new properties of the subwords of the Fibonacci word. This lecture consists of three parts. In the first part, after recalling some preliminary remarks on the Fibonacci word, we introduce the singular words and discuss their elementary properties. Then we establish two decompositions of the Fibonacci word in singular words and their consequences. By using these results, we discuss the local isomorphism of the Fibonacci word and the overlap properties of the factors, and we give a necessary and sufficient condition for local isomorphism. In the second part., we introduce the class of invertible substitutions which is a. natural generalisation of the Fibonacci substitution, and which is also an important, class of 1D quasiperiodic chains in physics [21]. We study first the group structure and local isomorphism of the invertible substitutions, then we study further the properties of the singular words of the invertible substitutions. In the third part we return again to the Fibonacci sequence.