A model of Brill-Noether theory for rank two vector bundles and its Petri map
Xiao-Jiang Tan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4310/ajm.2003.v7.n4.a6
Asian Journal of Mathematics
Abstract:We study here the Brill-Noether theory for rank two vector bundles. First we construct a parameter space Hd for all base point free rank two vector bundles of degree d which generated by its sections. Then for each E ∈ Hd, we define a 2g × d matrix WE for which we call it the Brill-Noether matrix of E, it shares the same properties as the Brill-Noether matrix WD for effective divisor D. By using WE, the Brill-Noether variety Cr 2,d = {E ∈ Hd | dimH 0(C, E) ≥ r+1} could be given by Cr 2,d = {E ∈ Hd | rank(WE) ≤ d − r + 1}, so C r 2,d is a determinant variety, we get its expected dimension is 4(g −1)+1 −(r +1)(2(g −1) − d+ r +1)+2r +1. On the other hand, by using WE, we define the Petri map to be P : H0(C, K(−E)) ⊗ Im{H0(C, E) 7→ H0(C,(D))} 7→ H0(C, K(D)(−E)), we show that Cr 2,d has the expected dimension if and only if the Petri map is injective.