The proper Landau-Ginzburg potential is the open mirror map

Tim Gräfnitz,Helge Ruddat,Eric Zaslow
Abstract:The mirror dual of a smooth toric Fano surface $X$ equipped with an anticanonical divisor $E$ is a Landau-Ginzburg model with superpotential, W. Carl-Pumperla-Siebert give a definition of the the superpotential in terms of tropical disks using a toric degeneration of the pair $(X,E)$. When $E$ is smooth, the superpotential is proper. We show that this proper superpotential equals the open mirror map for outer Aganagic-Vafa branes in the canonical bundle $K_X$, in framing zero. As a consequence, the proper Landau-Ginzburg potential is a solution to the Lerche-Mayr Picard-Fuchs equation. Along the way, we prove a generalization of a result about relative Gromov-Witten invariants by Cadman-Chen to arbitrary genus using the multiplication rule of quantum theta functions. In addition, we generalize a theorem of Hu that relates Gromov-Witten invariants of a surface under a blow-up from the absolute to the relative case. One of the two proofs that we give introduces birational modifications of a scattering diagram. We also demonstrate how the Hori-Vafa superpotential is related to the proper superpotential by mutations from a toric chamber to the unbounded chamber of the scattering diagram.
Algebraic Geometry,Mathematical Physics,Symplectic Geometry
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