T. Sato,T. Kato,Daigo Oue,M. Matsuo
Abstract:We examine the mechanical rotation of a levitated magnetic particle that is induced by ferromagnetic resonance under microwave irradiation. We show that two stable solutions appear in a certain range of parameters by bifurcation when the rotation frequency is comparable to the microwave frequency. This phenomenon originates from the coexistence of the Barnett and the Einstein-de Haas effects. We also reveal that this measurement is sensitive to the strength of the spin-rotation coupling. Our work provides a platform for accessing a microscopic relaxation process from spin to macroscopic rotation.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to study the mechanical rotation phenomenon of suspended magnetic particles under microwave radiation, especially the bistable solutions that appear in the system and the physical mechanisms behind them when the rotation frequency is comparable to the microwave frequency. Specifically, the paper focuses on how to accurately detect the conversion process between spin - mechanical angular momentum through the suspended magnetic particle experimental platform and reveal the co - existence phenomenon of the Barnett effect and the Einstein - de Haas effect (EdH effect).
### Main problem analysis
1. **Mechanical rotation of suspended magnetic particles**:
- The paper explores the mechanical rotation phenomenon of suspended magnetic particles under microwave irradiation. This rotation is caused by ferromagnetic resonance (FMR), in which the microwave field excites spin oscillations in the particles, and then transfers angular momentum to the rigid - body rotation of the particles through Gilbert damping.
2. **Appearance of bistable solutions**:
- When the rotation frequency approaches the microwave frequency, the system has two stable rotation states (i.e., bistability). This phenomenon stems from the co - existence of the Barnett effect and the EdH effect, which respectively describe the influence of mechanical rotation on spin and the influence of spin on mechanical rotation.
3. **Sensitive measurement of spin - mechanical coupling**:
- This experimental platform can sensitively measure the spin - mechanical coupling strength (represented by the g - factor), which provides a new means for studying microscopic spin - rotation coupling.
### Formula explanation
- **Hamiltonian**:
H = -(\mu_0 \gamma \mathbf{H} + g_{SR} \Omega) \cdot \hbar \mathbf{S}_{\text{tot}}
where $\mu_0$ is the vacuum permeability, $\gamma$ is the gyromagnetic ratio, $\mathbf{H}$ is the magnetic field in the rotating frame, $g_{SR}$ is the g - factor of spin - mechanical coupling, $\Omega$ is the rotation frequency vector, and $\mathbf{S}_{\text{tot}}$ is the total spin.
- **Landau - Lifshitz - Gilbert (LLG) equation**:
\dot{\mathbf{M}} = \mathbf{M} \times (\mu_0 \gamma \mathbf{H} + g_{SR} \Omega) + \alpha \frac{\mathbf{M} \times \dot{\mathbf{M}}}{M_0}
where $\mathbf{M}$ is the magnetization intensity and $\alpha$ is the Gilbert damping coefficient.
- **Angular momentum conservation equation**:
\frac{d}{dt}\left(I \Omega_z + g_{SR} \hbar S_{z}\right) = \Gamma_{\text{in}} + \Gamma_{\text{air}}
where $I$ is the moment of inertia, $\Gamma_{\text{in}}$ is the torque from the microwave, and $\Gamma_{\text{air}}$ is the torque generated by air resistance.
### Conclusion
This research provides a new experimental platform for accurately measuring and controlling the mechanical rotation of suspended magnetic particles, thereby deeply understanding the spin - mechanical coupling phenomenon. By observing the appearance and change of bistable solutions, the co - existence mechanism of the Barnett effect and the EdH effect can be revealed, and a powerful tool for studying microscopic spin - rotation coupling is provided.