A 1 Ma sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) record of catchment vegetation changes and the developmental history of tropical Lake Towuti (Sulawesi, Indonesia)
Md Akhtar-E Ekram,Matthew Campbell,Sureyya H Kose,Chloe Plet,Rebecca Hamilton,Satria Bijaksana,Kliti Grice,James Russell,Janelle Stevenson,Hendrik Vogel,Marco J L Coolen
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/gbi.12599
Abstract:Studying past ecosystems from ancient environmental DNA preserved in lake sediments (sedaDNA) is a rapidly expanding field. This research has mainly involved Holocene sediments from lakes in cool climates, with little known about the suitability of sedaDNA to reconstruct substantially older ecosystems in the warm tropics. Here, we report the successful recovery of chloroplast trnL (UAA) sequences (trnL-P6 loop) from the sedimentary record of Lake Towuti (Sulawesi, Indonesia) to elucidate changes in regional tropical vegetation assemblages during the lake's Late Quaternary paleodepositional history. After the stringent removal of contaminants and sequence artifacts, taxonomic assignment of the remaining genuine trnL-P6 reads showed that native nitrogen-fixing legumes, C3 grasses, and shallow wetland vegetation (Alocasia) were most strongly associated with >1-million-year-old (>1 Ma) peats and silts (114-98.8 m composite depth; mcd), which were deposited in a landscape of active river channels, shallow lakes, and peat-swamps. A statistically significant shift toward partly submerged shoreline vegetation that was likely rooted in anoxic muddy soils (i.e., peatland forest trees and wetland C3 grasses (Oryzaceae) and nutrient-demanding aquatic herbs (presumably Oenanthe javanica)) occurred at 76 mcd (~0.8 Ma), ~0.2 Ma after the transition into a permanent lake. This wetland vegetation was most strongly associated with diatom ooze (46-37 mcd), thought to be deposited during maximum nutrient availability and primary productivity. Herbs (Brassicaceae), trees/shrubs (Fabaceae and Theaceae), and C3 grasses correlated with inorganic parameters, indicating increased drainage of ultramafic sediments and laterite soils from the lakes' catchment, particularly at times of inferred drying. Downcore variability in trnL-P6 from tropical forest trees (Toona), shady ground cover herbs (Zingiberaceae), and tree orchids (Luisia) most strongly correlated with sediments of a predominantly felsic signature considered to be originating from the catchment of the Loeha River draining into Lake Towuti during wetter climate conditions. However, the co-correlation with dry climate-adapted trees (i.e., Castanopsis or Lithocarpus) plus C4 grasses suggests that increased precipitation seasonality also contributed to the increased drainage of felsic Loeha River sediments. This multiproxy approach shows that despite elevated in situ temperatures, tropical lake sediments potentially comprise long-term archives of ancient environmental DNA for reconstructing ecosystems, which warrants further exploration.