Nonreciprocity of spin waves in a double layer ferromagnet with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions

O.Yu. Gorobets,Yu.I. Gorobets,I.M. Tiukavkina,R.S. Gerasimenko
Abstract:In this paper, boundary conditions for Landau-Lifshitz equations at the interface between two ferromagnets with different Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions are derived. We calculated and verified the analytical expression for the energy flux density continuity for the spin-wave propagation through the interface between two ferromagnets with/without Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions considering the boundary conditions mentioned. Analytical expressions for reflection, transmission coefficients and the nonreciprocity factor are calculated in the case of spin-wave propagation through a double layer ferromagnet with/without Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in the first/second layer. Two principally different types of nonreciprocity effects for spin waves are revealed in such a double layer system. The material parameters of a double layer ferromagnet with/without Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in the first/second layer are found for which the extremely high nonreciprocity factor (>10) is expected according to the results of calculations. The results of the paper deepen the knowledge about the spin-wave propagation control in magnonic devices.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problems that this paper attempts to solve are as follows: In bilayer ferromagnets with different Dzyaloshinskii - Moriya interactions (DMI), derive the boundary conditions of the Landau - Lifshitz equation at the interface and calculate the continuity of the energy flux density during the spin - wave propagation process. Specifically, the research objectives include: 1. **Derive boundary conditions**: Derive the most general boundary conditions of the Landau - Lifshitz equation for the interface between two ferromagnets with different DMI intensities, taking into account the complex internal structure of the interface itself (such as the magnetic anisotropy inherent in the interface, the homogeneous exchange interaction, etc.). 2. **Calculate non - reciprocity factor**: By analyzing the propagation of spin waves in bilayer ferromagnets, calculate the reflection coefficient, the transmission coefficient and the non - reciprocity factor. Special attention is paid to the non - reciprocal propagation characteristics of spin waves when DMI exists in the first or second layer. 3. **Reveal two non - reciprocal effects**: Two main types of non - reciprocal effects of spin waves are discovered, and the combinations of material parameters that can significantly increase the non - reciprocity factor (> 10) are determined. 4. **Application prospects**: These results are helpful to deepen the understanding of the control of spin - wave propagation in magnonic devices, especially the application potential of designing unidirectional waveguides and logic elements in ultrathin magnetic nanostructures. ### Formula summary - **Landau - Lifshitz equation**: \[ \frac{\partial M_1}{\partial t}=-\gamma M_1\times H_{\text{eff}}^{(1)}, \quad \frac{\partial M_2}{\partial t}=-\gamma M_2\times H_{\text{eff}}^{(2)} \] where \(M_1\) and \(M_2\) are the magnetization vectors in the first and second ferromagnets respectively, \(\gamma\) is the gyromagnetic ratio, and \(H_{\text{eff}}^{(1)}\) and \(H_{\text{eff}}^{(2)}\) are the effective magnetic fields in the first and second ferromagnets respectively. - **Total energy expression**: \[ W = \int_V \left[ \frac{1}{2} A(x) \left( \frac{\partial M}{\partial x} \right)^2+\beta_1(x) M^2+\beta_2(x) M^2+D_1 M\cdot (e_x\times M)+D_2 M\cdot (e_z\times M) \right] dr \] - **Boundary conditions**: \[ \begin{cases} \left[ \frac{\partial M_z}{\partial x} \right]_{x = 0}-D_1 M_y+A M_x = 0\\ \left[ \frac{\partial M_y}{\partial x} \right]_{x = 0}+D_1 M_z+A M_y = 0\\ \left[ M_x \right]_{x = 0}=0\\ \left[ M_y \right]_{x = 0}=0 \end{cases} \] - **Reflection coefficient and transmission coefficient**: \[ R=\frac{|A_r|^2}{|A_i|^2}, \quad T=\frac{|A_t|^2}{|A_i|^2} \] Through these formulas and analyses, the paper reveals the non - reciprocal propagation characteristics of spin waves in bilayer ferromagnets with different DMI and provides a theoretical basis for future research.