Spin pumping at terahertz nutation resonances

Ritwik Mondal,Akashdeep Kamra
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214426
Abstract:We investigate spin pumping current injected by the nutation resonances of a ferromagnet or an antiferromagnet into an adjacent metal. Comparing the dc spin pumping current between the normal precession and nutation resonances, we find that the ratio of spin pumping current at the nutation resonance to the precession resonance is more pronounced in antiferromagnets. We further show that the spin pumping current injected by the nutation resonance is opposite in sign as compared to the normal precession mode. This could offer a useful experimental signature for identifying such nutation resonances. Analyzing the nature of the nutational eigenmodes, we show that the sign change in spin current is rooted in a reversal of the precession sense for the nutation mode(s). Furthermore, the nutational modes in antiferromagnets are found to be dominated by precession of one of the two sublattices only.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics,Other Condensed Matter
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to study the characteristics of spin - pumped currents generated by precession resonance and nutation resonance in ferromagnets (FM) and antiferromagnets (AFM) in the terahertz frequency range. Specifically, the paper focuses on the following aspects: 1. **Comparing spin - pumped currents in different resonance modes**: - The paper compares the direct - current spin - pumped currents injected into adjacent metals under normal precession resonance and nutation resonance. - The research finds that in antiferromagnets, the spin - pumped current under nutation resonance is more significant compared to that under precession resonance. 2. **Change in the sign of the spin - pumped current**: - The sign of the spin - pumped current generated by nutation resonance is opposite to that in the normal precession mode. This characteristic can be used as a useful indicator for identifying nutation resonance in experiments. 3. **Analysis of the properties of the nutation eigenmode**: - By analyzing the nutation eigenmode, it is found that the change in the sign of the spin current originates from the reversal of the precession direction in the nutation mode. - In antiferromagnets, the nutation mode is mainly dominated by the precession of one sub - lattice. 4. **Theoretical models and equations**: - The Landau - Lifshitz - Gilbert (ILLG) equation with inertial correction is introduced to describe the magnetization dynamics and explore its influence on the spin - pumped current. - The expressions for the spin - pumped currents in ferromagnets and antiferromagnets under nutation resonance and precession resonance are derived. ### Formula summary - **Inertial LLG equation**: \[ \dot{M}_i = -\gamma_i \left( M_i \times H_{\text{eff}, i} \right) + \frac{M_i}{M_{0i}} \times \left[ \alpha_i \dot{M}_i + \eta_i \ddot{M}_i \right] \] where $\gamma_i$ is the gyromagnetic ratio, $H_{\text{eff}, i}$ is the effective field, $M_{0i}$ is the ground - state magnetic moment, $\alpha_i$ is the Gilbert damping parameter, and $\eta_i$ is the inertial relaxation time. - **Spin - pumped current in ferromagnets**: \[ j_s = \frac{\hbar}{4\pi g^{\uparrow\downarrow}_r} \left[ \frac{\omega \gamma^2 |h|^2}{(\Omega_0 - \eta \omega^2 - \omega)^2 + \alpha^2 \omega^2} \right] \] - **Spin - pumped current in antiferromagnets**: \[ j_s^{\text{Intra}} = \frac{\hbar}{4\pi g^{\uparrow\downarrow}_r} \times \omega \left( \frac{m_A^- m_A^+}{M_A^2} + \frac{m_B^- m_B^+}{M_B^2} \right) \] \[ j_s^{\text{Cross}} = \frac{\hbar}{4\pi g^{\uparrow\downarrow}_r} \times \omega \left( \frac{m_A^- m_B^+}{M_A M_B} + \frac{m_B^- m_A^+}{M_B M_A} \right) \] \[ j_s^{\text{Total}} = j_s^{\text{Intra}} + j_s^{\text{Cross}} \] ### Conclusion This paper reveals the influence of nutation resonance on spin - pumped currents in ferromagnets and antiferromagnets in the terahertz frequency range through theoretical research. The research results show that the spin - pumped current under nutation resonance has unique...