Sporadic points of odd degree on $X_1(N)$ coming from $\mathbb{Q}$-curves

Abbey Bourdon,Filip Najman
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2107.10909
Abstract:We say a closed point $x$ on a curve $C$ is sporadic if there are only finitely many points on $C$ of degree at most deg$(x)$. In the case where $C$ is the modular curve $X_1(N)$, most known examples of sporadic points come from elliptic curves with complex multiplication (CM). We seek to understand all sporadic points on $X_1(N)$ corresponding to $\mathbb{Q}$-curves, which are elliptic curves isogenous to their Galois conjugates. This class contains not only all CM elliptic curves, but also any elliptic curve $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$-isogenous to one with a rational $j$-invariant, among others. In this paper, we show that all non-CM $\mathbb{Q}$-curves giving rise to a sporadic point of odd degree lie in the $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$-isogeny class of the elliptic curve with $j$-invariant $-140625/8$. In addition, we show that a stronger version of this finiteness result would imply Serre's Uniformity Conjecture.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to understand and classify the sporadic points on the modular curve \(X_1(N)\) generated by Q - curves (i.e., elliptic curves that are isogenous to their Galois conjugates over \(\mathbb{Q}\)). Specifically, the author focuses on those sporadic points that come from non - CM (non - complex multiplication) Q - curves and have odd degrees. ### Main Problem Decomposition 1. **Definitions and Background**: - **Sporadic Points**: Let \(x\) be a closed point on a curve \(C\) defined over a number field. If there are only finitely many points on \(C\) with degree not exceeding \(\deg(x)\), then \(x\) is called a sporadic point. - **Modular Curve \(X_1(N)\)**: This is an algebraic curve, and its non - cuspidal points parameterize the isomorphism classes of elliptic curves with a special point of order \(N\). - **Q - curve**: Any elliptic curve that is isogenous to its Galois conjugate over \(\mathbb{Q}\). 2. **Research Objectives**: - To understand all the sporadic points on \(X_1(N)\) corresponding to Q - curves. - To pay special attention to those sporadic points that come from non - CM Q - curves and have odd degrees. 3. **Main Results**: - Prove that all odd - degree sporadic points generated by non - CM Q - curves belong to a certain \(\mathbb{Q}\)-isogeny class, in particular, they are isogenous to the elliptic curve with \(j\)-invariant \(-\frac{140625}{8}\). - Point out that a stronger version of the finiteness result can lead to Serre's Uniformity Conjecture. ### Specific Problems - **Theorem 1.4**: Let \(x\in X_1(N)\) be an odd - degree point corresponding to a non - CM Q - curve \(E\). If \(\deg(x)<\text{gon}_\mathbb{Q}(X_1(N))\), then \(E\) is isogenous over \(\mathbb{Q}\) to the elliptic curve with \(j\)-invariant \(-\frac{140625}{8}\). In particular, any non - CM Q - curve that generates an odd - degree sporadic point is isogenous over \(\mathbb{Q}\) to the elliptic curve 162.c3. - **Theorem 1.5**: Let \(p\) be a prime number and \(k\) be a positive integer. If \(x = [E, P]\in X_1(p^k)\) is an odd - degree point corresponding to a Q - curve and \(\deg(x)<\text{gon}_\mathbb{Q}(X_1(p^k))\), then \(E\) has complex multiplication. Moreover, for any \(p\equiv 3\pmod{4}\) and sufficiently large \(k\), there exist odd - degree sporadic CM points on \(X_1(p^k)\). ### Conclusion This paper reveals the structure of the sporadic points generated by non - CM Q - curves on the modular curve \(X_1(N)\) through a detailed analysis of their behavior, and links this problem to Serre's Uniformity Conjecture. This not only deepens the understanding of sporadic points but also provides a framework and direction for further research.