On $χ-$slice pretzel links
Sophia Fanelle,Evan Huang,Ben Huenemann,Weizhe Shen,Jonathan Simone,Hannah Turner
Abstract:A link is called $\chi-$slice if it bounds a smooth properly embedded surface in the 4-ball with no closed components and Euler characteristic 1. If a link has a single component, then it is $\chi-$slice if and only if it is slice. One motivation for studying such links is that the double cover of the 3-sphere branched along a nonzero determinant $\chi-$slice link is a rational homology 3-sphere that bounds a rational homology 4-ball. This article aims to generalize known results about the sliceness of pretzel knots to the $\chi-$sliceness of pretzel links. In particular, we completely classify positive and negative pretzel links that are $\chi-$slice, and obtain partial classifications of 3-stranded and 4-stranded pretzel links that are $\chi-$slice. As a consequence, we obtain infinite families of Seifert fiber spaces that bound rational homology 4-balls.
Geometric Topology