Electronic control and switching of entangled spin state using anisotropy and exchange in the three-particle paradigm
Eric Davidson Switzer,Xiaoguang Zhang,Talat Shanaz Rahman
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/2399-6528/ac7e1d
Journal of Physics Communications
Abstract:We explore the control and switching of the entangled spin states of multi-spin qubit coupled to an electron using a three-particle spin model described by S i (i = 1,2,3), in which S 1 = 1⁄2 is an electron and S 2,3 can have any spin with both exchange coupling and magnetic anisotropy. We derive a general formula for the existence of a switching (DJ) resonance for any spin S 2,3 . We further contrast the entanglement switching mechanisms for the S 2,3 = 1⁄2 and S 2,3 = 1 spin models. We find that while the onsite magnetic anisotropy in the case of S 2,3 > 1⁄2 allows full control of their spin states via interaction with S 1 , in order to achieve acceptable control of a Bloch vector within the S 2,3 = 1⁄2 model, additional mechanisms, such as anisotropic exchange coupling, are required.