Investigation of Large Scale Motions in Zero and Adverse Pressure Gradient Turbulent Boundary Layers Using High-Spatial-Resolution PIV

Muhammad Shehzad,Bihai Sun,Daniel Jovic,Yasar Ostovan,Christophe Cuvier,Jean-Marc Foucaut,Christian Willert,Callum Atkinson,Julio Soria
Abstract:High-spatial-resolution (HSR) two-component, two-dimensional particle-image-velocimetry (2C-2D PIV) measurements of a zero-pressure-gradient (ZPG) turbulent boundary layer (TBL) and an adverse-pressure-gradient (APG)-TBL were taken in the LMFL High Reynolds number Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel. The ZPG-TBL has a momentum-thickness based Reynolds number $Re_{\delta_2} = \delta_2 U_e/\nu = 7,750$ while the APG-TBL has a $Re_{\delta_2} = 16,240$ and a Clauser's pressure gradient parameter $\beta = \delta_1 P_x/\tau_w = 2.27$ After analysing the single-exposed PIV image data using a multigrid/multipass digital PIV (Soria, 1996) with in-house software, proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) was performed on the data to separate flow-fields into large- and small-scale motions (LSMs and SSMs), with the LSMs further categorized into high- and low-momentum events. Profiles of the conditionally averaged Reynolds stresses show that the high-momentum events contribute more to the Reynolds stresses than the low-momentum between wall to the end of the log-layer and the opposite is the case in the wake region. The cross-over point of the profiles of the Reynolds stresses from the high- and low-momentum LSMs always has a higher value than the corresponding Reynolds stress from the original ensemble at the same wall-normal location. Furthermore, the cross-over point in the APG-TBL moves further from the wall than in the ZPG-TBL. By removing the velocity fields with LSMs, the estimate of the Reynolds streamwise stress and Reynolds shear stress from the remaining velocity fields is reduced by up to $42 \%$ in the ZPG-TBL. The reduction effect is observed to be even larger (up to $50\%$) in the APG-TBL. However, the removal of these LSMs has a minimal effect on the Reynolds wall-normal stress in both the ZPG- and APG-TBL.
Fluid Dynamics,Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability
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