Computer models as a means of improving the effectiveness of teaching physics
N.A. Shektibaev,T.E. Torekhan,,
Q A Iasaýı atyndaǵy Halyqaralyq qazaq-túrіk ýnıversıtetіnіń habarlary (fızıka matematıka ınformatıka serııasy)
Abstract:Computer models and programs are one of the main tools in education, therefore, the development of a plan for their development and use in the field of education is one of the main problems. The use of computer models will help to explore a new topic, a demonstration experiment and phenomena without violating safety regulations. Many experts believe that the computer currently makes it possible to make a qualitative breakthrough in the education system. Models of physical phenomena and experiments actively shape students' knowledge. In teaching a number of sections of the physics course, such as atomic and nuclear physics, quantum mechanics, and elementary particle physics, essential questions about conducting experiments are obvious. These sections relate to important areas of physics that deal with the study of phenomena and processes in the microcosm. Therefore, due to some difficulties in equipping physics classrooms, the computer acts as an assistant. In quantum physics and atomic physics, computer models are considered that help explain the phenomena under study, the course of processes, as well as methods of working with computer programs that simulate laboratory installations in this section, since physical laboratory assistants are an integral part of training. The use of computer models and programs for educational purposes gives students a unique opportunity to plunge into the world of quantum and atomic physics. This study analyzes the effectiveness of such models in the educational process, their impact on students' understanding of the basic concepts of quantum and atomic physics, and also compiles questionnaires based on these problems. The survey covers about 40 physics teachers. The work is based on the analysis of existing pedagogical experiments and research in the field of application of computer models for teaching physics. The focus is on assessing the impact of these models on the quality of knowledge and their ability to make complex concepts accessible and understandable to students. The obtained results can serve as a basis for further improvement of methods of teaching quantum and atomic physics using computer programs. The introduction of computer programs can help the student create an effective learning environment for his work at his own pace and in collaboration with the class. It can be said that the use of models of physical processes in preparing students for effective learning opens up great opportunities for creating high-quality and new forms and methods, the use of computer models of physical phenomena plays an important role. Of particular importance in the development of students' abilities to observe, think, generalize based on observed facts, and predict the course of the observed process.