Conversions explicites entre des fonctions sommatoires de la fonction de Möbius

Florian Daval
Abstract:By using exclusively real analysis, we give explicit estimates of some classical summatory functions involving the Möbius function.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problems that this paper attempts to solve mainly revolve around the explicit estimation of the summation function \(M(x)=\sum_{n \leq x}\mu(n)\) of the Möbius function and its related functions. Specifically, the author aims to provide several explicit estimations of the classical Möbius function summation and explore the applications of these estimations. The following are the main problems that this paper attempts to solve: 1. **Improve the existing explicit estimations**: - Starting from the best existing explicit estimations of \(M(x)\), such as \(|M(x)/x|\leq A_j/(\log x)^j\), the author attempts to derive similar explicit estimations of \(m(x)=\sum_{n \leq x}\mu(n)/n\). - Specifically, the author hopes to obtain estimations in the form of \(|m(x)|\leq A'_j/(\log x)^j\), where \(A'_j = A_j(1+\epsilon_j)\) and \(0 < \epsilon_j < 6\times 10^{-4}\), thereby improving the previous results. 2. **Study the smoothed version of the Möbius function summation**: - The author studies the function \(\check{m}(x)=\sum_{n \leq x}(\mu(n)/n)\log(x/n)\) and proves that \(|\check{m}(x) - 1|\leq A''_j/(\log x)^j\), where \(A''_j < 1.2\epsilon_j\). - In particular, the author obtains the exact value of \(\sup_{x\geq 1}(\log^2 x)|\check{m}(x) - 1|\). 3. **Explore the limit behavior**: - Based on Hurst's result \(\lim|M(x)/\sqrt{x}|> 1.837625\), the author proves that \(\lim|m(x)\sqrt{x}|>\sqrt{2}\), which indicates that the supremum of \(|m(x)\sqrt{x}|\) will not be reached at \(x\rightarrow 2^-\), although numerical observations may suggest this. 4. **Establish the relationships between different functions**: - By using real - analysis tools, the author establishes the relationships between different summation forms of the Möbius function, especially the relationship between \(M(x)\) and \(m(x)\). This helps to understand the internal connections between these functions and provides a basis for further research. In summary, the goal of this paper is to provide new insights and tools for the explicit estimation theory in number theory by improving the existing explicit estimations, studying the smoothed version of the Möbius function summation, and exploring the limit behavior of these functions.