Mapping the Real Space Distributions of Galaxies in SDSS DR7: II. Measuring the Growth Rate, Linear Mass Variance and Biases of Galaxies at Redshift 0.1
Feng Shi,Xiaohu Yang,Huiyuan Wang,Youcai Zhang,H. J. Mo,Frank C. van den Bosch,Wentao Luo,Dylan Tweed,Shijie Li,Chengze Liu,Yi Lu,Lei Yang
Abstract:We extend the real-space mapping method developed in Shi et at. (2016) so that it can be applied to flux-limited galaxy samples. We use an ensemble of mock catalogs to demonstrate the reliability of this extension, showing that it allows for an accurate recovery of the real-space correlation functions and galaxy biases. We also demonstrate that, using an iterative method applied to intermediate-scale clustering data, we can obtain an unbiased estimate of the growth rate of structure $f\sigma_8$, which is related to the clustering amplitude of matter, to an accuracy of $\sim 10\%$. Applying this method to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7 (DR7), we construct a real-space galaxy catalog spanning the redshift range $0.01 \leq z \leq 0.2$, which contains 584,473 galaxies in the north Galactic cap (NGC). Using this data, we infer $\fss$ at a median redshift $z=0.1$, which is consistent with the WMAP9 cosmology at the $1\sigma$ level. By combining this measurement with the real-space clustering of galaxies and with galaxy-galaxy weak lensing measurements for the same sets of galaxies, we are able to break the degeneracy between $f$, $\sigma_8$, and $b$. From the SDSS DR7 data alone, we obtain the following cosmological constraints at redshift $z=0.1$: $f=$$0.464^{+0.040}_{-0.040}$, $\sigma_8=0.769^{+0.121}_{-0.089}$, and $b=1.910^{+0.234}_{-0.268}$, $1.449^{+0.194}_{-0.196}$, $1.301^{+0.170}_{-0.177}$, and $1.196^{+0.159}_{-0.161}~$ for galaxies within different absolute magnitude bins $^{0.1}{\rm M}_r-5\log h=[-23,0, -22.0], [-22,0, -21.0], [-21.0, -20.0]$ and $[-20.0, -19.0]$, respectively.