Lifetime of 19Ne*(4.03 MeV)
R. Kanungo,T. K. Alexander,A. N. Andreyev,G. C. Ball,R. S. Chakrawarthy,M. Chicoine,R. Churchman,B. Davids,J. S. Forster,S. Gujrathi,G. Hackman,D. Howell,J. R. Leslie,A. C. Morton,S. Mythili,C. J. Pearson,J. J. Ressler,C. Ruiz,H. Savajols,M. A. Schumaker,I. Tanihata,P. Walden,S. Yen,T.K. Alexander,A.N. Andreyev,G.C. Ball,R.S. Chakrawarthy,J.S. Forster,J.R. Leslie,A.C. Morton,C.J. Pearson,J.J. Ressler,M.A. Schumaker
Nuclear Experiment
Abstract:The Doppler-shift attenuation method was applied to measure the lifetime of the 4.03 MeV state in 19Ne. Utilizing a 3He-implanted Au foil as a target, the state was populated using the 20Ne(3He,alpha)19Ne reaction in inverse kinematics at a 20Ne beam energy of 34 MeV. De-excitation gamma rays were detected in coincidence with alpha particles. At the 1 sigma level, the lifetime was determined to be 11 +4, -3 fs and at the 95.45% confidence level the lifetime is 11 +8, -7 fs.