사이버 괴롭힘 규제와 개선방안 - 표현의 자유의 관점에서

Abstract:Because “cyberbullying,”an online form of bullying, has aroused concerns in recent years,many states in the USA have enacted laws criminalizing aspects of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying inthe Korean context has similar characteristics, with actions referred to as “cyber violence”including online defamation, libel, slander, and sexual harassment. In the Korean legal system, when cyberbullying is committed among students or the victim is astudent, the School Violence Prevention and Countermeasure Act can be used to punish andprevent “School Violence”, the definition of which covers various actions that harm the physicaland/or psychological integrity of a student, regardless of the place of action. Not only does theschool have a duly established authority to limit student speech but also a legal duty to preventviolence. When education-related measures are not applicable, cyber-defamation under the Acton Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and information Protection,etc. may apply, along with slander and threats from the Criminal Act, as well as administrativemeasures and civil measures.Adding cyber-slander provisions to the statutes in force and increasing the liability of InternetService Providers (ISPs) are strategies that are often proposed as solutions to cyberbullying.Considering the potential challenges online slander regulation might face because of freedom ofspeech, aggravated punishment for cyber-slander may not necessarily help in preventingcyberbullying, nor should the courts change sentencing significantly. Additionally, lowering the baron criminalizing cyberbullying, thus increasing the duty and power of a government body toprosecute its citizens, may lead to an overenhancement of prosecutorial power. Furthermore,requiring ISPs to bear a burden of duty beyond notice-based liability would be similar to allowingde facto censorship by private operators, regardless of the fact of it not being an appropriatemeasure to prevent defamatory actions or to provide remedies to victims.
Law,Political Science
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