Abstract:This article is to understand the critical values of $L$-functions $L(s,\Pi\otimes \chi)$ and to establish the relation of the relevant global periods at the critical places. Here $\Pi$ is an irreducible regular algebraic cuspidal automorphic representation of $\mathrm{GL}_{2n}(\mathbb A)$ of symplectic type and $\chi$ is a finite order automorphic character of $\mathrm{GL}_1(\mathbb A)$, with $\mathbb A$ is the ring of adeles of a number field $\mathrm k$.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### What problem does this paper attempt to solve?
The main purpose of this paper is to establish the period relations of the critical values of the standard L - functions in general form, thereby verifying the conjecture proposed by D. Blasius in [Bl97]. Specifically, the paper studies the period relations of the critical values of the standard L - function \(L(s, \Pi\otimes\chi)\) associated with the symplectic irreducible regular algebraic cusp form automorphic representation \(\Pi\), where \(\Pi\) is a symplectic irreducible regular algebraic cusp form automorphic representation on GL\(_{2n}(A)\), and \(\chi\) is a finite - order automorphic character.
#### Specific content and methods
1. **Background and motivation**:
- The work of G. Shimura ([Sh59], [Sh71], [Sh76]) revealed the arithmetic structure of the critical values of the L - functions associated with elliptic modular forms and the relations between different critical values.
- D. Blasius proposed a conjecture in [Bl97] that for the standard L - functions of algebraic cusp form automorphic representations over any number field, their critical values should also have similar properties.
- The famous conjecture of P. Deligne in [D79, Conjecture 2.8] predicted that a similar phenomenon applies to the critical values of L - functions associated with motives.
- The far - reaching conjecture of R. Langlands ([L79]) provided an internal structure for the similar phenomena between the theory of algebraic automorphic representations and the theory of motives.
2. **Research objects**:
- The paper aims to establish the global period relations of the critical values of the twisted standard L - functions associated with the generalized symplectic irreducible regular algebraic cusp form automorphic representation \(\Pi\).
- These representations are representations on GL\(_{2n}(A)\), where \(A\) is the adele ring of the number field \(k\).
3. **Research methods**:
- The research methods include generalizing the generalized modular symbol theory of B. Mazur, A. Ash, etc. ([Mz], [As80], [AB90]), and generalizing the classical methods of Shimura and Y. Manin ([Sh76], [Mn76]) from GL\(_2\) to GL\(_{2n}\).
- Preliminary work was done by H. Grobner and A. Raghuram in [GrR14] and F. Januszewski in [Jan18], but these works contained some technical assumptions. This paper removed these technical assumptions through different arguments.
4. **Main results**:
- The main results extended the classical work of Shimura and Manin and completed the methods adopted by Grobner and Raghuram and Januszewski.
- The technical assumptions in previous literature were removed, and the period relations under more extensive conditions were proved.
### Conclusion
The paper successfully established the period relations of the critical values of the standard L - functions of the symplectic irreducible regular algebraic cusp form automorphic representation, verifying Blasius' conjecture. This achievement not only promotes the research on the special values of L - functions, but also provides a new perspective for understanding the deep - seated connections between algebraic automorphic representations and motives.