SmartEM: machine-learning guided electron microscopy
Yaron Meirovitch,Core Francisco Park,Lu Mi,Pavel Potocek,Shashata Sawmya,Yicong Li,Ishaan Singh Chandok,Thomas L. Athey,Neha Karlupia,Yuelong Wu,Daniel R. Berger,Richard Schalek,Hanspeter Pfister,Remco Schoenmakers,Maurice Peemen,Jeff W Lichtman,Aravinthan Samuel,Nir Shavit
Abstract:Connectomics provides essential nanometer-resolution, synapse-level maps of neural circuits to understand brain activity and behavior. However, few researchers have access to the high-throughput electron microscopes necessary to generate enough data for whole circuit or brain reconstruction. To date, machine-learning methods have been used after the collection of images by electron microscopy (EM) to accelerate and improve neuronal segmentation, synapse reconstruction and other data analysis. With the computational improvements in processing EM images, acquiring EM images has now become the rate-limiting step. Here, in order to speed up EM imaging, we integrate machine-learning into real-time image acquisition in a singlebeam scanning electron microscope. This SmartEM approach allows an electron microscope to perform intelligent, data-aware imaging of specimens. SmartEM allocates the proper imaging time for each region of interest -- scanning all pixels equally rapidly, then re-scanning small subareas more slowly where a higher quality signal is required to achieve accurate segmentability, in significantly less time. We demonstrate that this pipeline achieves a 7-fold acceleration of image acquisition time for connectomics using a commercial single-beam SEM. We apply SmartEM to reconstruct a portion of mouse cortex with the same accuracy as traditional microscopy but in less time.