R. Richard,A. Yafaev,T. Zamojski
Abstract:This is a preliminary version of a monograph on homogeneous dynamics and application to some problems of unlikely intersections in Shimura varieties. It consists of four articles, which can be read independently. The first one, by the two first named authors, discuss the main application, to some refinement of the André-Pink-Zannier conjecture about closures of subsets of restricted Hecke orbits in Shimura varieties. The second article, by the first and last named author, establishes results about the dynamics of sequences translates of some measures in spaces of $S$-arithmetic lattices. These results are the cornerstone of the methods in the first article. The last two articles, by the first named author, establish results which are crucial for the second article. The third article gives an ultrametric analogue of archimedean results of Richard and Shah, and contains methods of independent interest about stability, Berkovich spaces and Bruhat-Tits buildings. The last article is set in the same context as the second article, and discusses non-divergence of the studied sequences of translates.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problem that this paper attempts to solve is about the application of homogeneous dynamical systems theory in number theory and Diophantine geometry, especially the proof of the André - Pink - Zannier conjecture related to the so - called "S - Hecke orbit". Specifically, the article explores the following issues:
1. **The problem of impossible intersections in S - Hecke orbits**: The paper studies whether the Zariski closures of certain special sub - varieties (weakly special sub - varieties) in Shimura varieties can be represented as the union of a finite number of weakly special sub - varieties. This is a special case of the more general Zilber - Pink conjecture.
2. **S - Shafarevich property**: The article introduces the concept of S - Shafarevich property and explores its relationship with S - Tate hypothesis and S - semi - simplicity hypothesis. These properties are crucial for understanding Galois actions and the structure of S - Hecke orbits.
3. **Internal distribution problem**: By using Ratner's theorem and its generalizations, the paper proves that under the S - Shafarevich hypothesis, the Galois orbit distributions of points in S - Hecke orbits have a certain "internal distribution" property. This means that under certain conditions, the limit measures of these orbits can be described by probability measures on specific weakly special sub - varieties.
### Main conclusions
- **S - André - Pink - Zannier conjecture**: Under the S - Shafarevich hypothesis, the irreducible components of any subset of an S - Hecke orbit are weakly special sub - varieties.
- **Internal distribution theorem**: For a point \( s \) satisfying the S - Shafarevich type, the Galois orbit distributions of points in its S - Hecke orbit will converge to a barycenter consisting of probability measures on weakly special sub - varieties.
### Formulas and definitions
- **S - Hecke orbit**:
H_S(s)=\{[h, t\cdot g]\mid g\in G(\mathbb{Q}_S)\}
where \( G(\mathbb{Q}_S) \) is a subgroup of \( G(\mathbb{A}_f) \), restricted to the finite set of prime numbers \( S \).
- **S - Shafarevich property**: For each finite extension \( F \) containing \( E \), there are only finitely many \( F \)-rational points in \( H_S(s) \).
- **Weakly special real sub - manifolds**:
Z_{L,(h,t)} = \{ (l\cdot h, t)\mid l\in L(\mathbb{R})^+\}
where \( L \) is an S - Ratner - class subgroup of \( G \).
### Application background
The work of this paper is based on Ratner's theorem and its generalizations, which provide profound results on measure rigidity in homogeneous spaces. By applying these results to S - Hecke orbits in Shimura varieties, the authors are able to obtain stronger conclusions about weakly special sub - varieties, thus advancing the research on the Zilber - Pink conjecture.
In summary, this paper aims to solve the problem of impossible intersections in S - Hecke orbits in Shimura varieties through new developments in homogeneous dynamical systems theory and provides some important mathematical tools and methods.