CHARA/SPICA: a 6-telescope visible instrument for the CHARA Array
Denis Mourard,Philippe Berio,Cyril Pannetier,Nicolas Nardetto,Fatme Allouche,Christophe Bailet,Julien Dejonghe,Pierre Geneslay,Estelle Jacqmart,Stéphane Lagarde,Daniel Lecron,Frédéric Morand,Sylvain Rousseau,David Salabert,Alain Spang,Simon Albrecht,Narsireddy Anugu,Laurent Bourges,Theo A. ten Brummelaar,Orlagh Creevey,Sebastien Deheuvels,Armando Domiciano de Souza,Doug Gies,Roxanne Ligi,Guillaume Mella,Karine Perraut,Gail Schaefer,Markus Wittkowski
Abstract:With a possible angular resolution down to 0.1-0.2 millisecond of arc using the 330 m baselines and the access to the 600-900 nm spectral domain, the CHARA Array is ideally configured for focusing on precise and accurate fundamental parameters of stars. CHARA/SPICA (Stellar Parameters and Images with a Cophased Array) aims at performing a large survey of stars all over the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. This survey will also study the effects of the different kinds of variability and surface structure on the reliability of the extracted fundamental parameters. New surface-brightness-colour relations will be extracted from this survey, for general purposes on distance determination and the characterization of faint stars. SPICA is made of a visible 6T fibered instrument and of a near-infrared fringe sensor. In this paper, we detail the science program and the main characteristics of SPICA-VIS. We present finally the initial performance obtained during the commissioning.
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics