Matters of Gravity, the newsletter of the APS TG on gravitation
Jorge Pullin
April 1997 Joint APS/AAPT Meeting, by Beverly Berger
TGG News, by Jim Isenberg
Report from NSF, by David Berley
We hear that..., by Jorge Pullin
Research briefs:
GR in GPS, by Neil Ashby
What happens near the innermost stable circular orbit? by Doug Eardley
Conference reports:
Journees Relativistes 96, by D. Brill, M. Heusler, G. Lavrelashvili
TAMA Workshop, by Peter Saulson
Midwest gravity meeting, by Comer Duncan
OMNI-1 Workshop by N.S. Magalhaes, W. F. Velloso Jr and O.D. Aguiar
Chandra Symposium, by Robert Wald
Penn State Meeting, by Lee Smolin
Aspen Winter Conference, by Syd Meshkov
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology