Science with the cherenkov telescope array
Bannanje Sripathi Acharya, Iván Agudo, Imen Al Samarai, R Alfaro, J Alfaro, C Alispach, R Alves Batista, J-P Amans, E Amato, G Ambrosi, E Antolini, LA Antonelli, C Aramo, M Araya, T Armstrong, F Arqueros, L Arrabito, K Asano, M Ashley, M Backes, C Balazs, M Balbo, O Ballester, J Ballet, A Bamba, M Barkov, U Barres de Almeida, JA Barrio, D Bastieri, Y Becherini, A Belfiore, W Benbow, D Berge, E Bernardini, MG Bernardini, M Bernardos, K Bernlöhr, B Bertucci, B Biasuzzi, C Bigongiari, A Biland, E Bissaldi, J Biteau, O Blanch, J Blazek, C Boisson, J Bolmont, G Bonanno, A Bonardi, C Bonavolontà, G Bonnoli, Z Bosnjak, M Böttcher, C Braiding, J Bregeon, A Brill, AM Brown, P Brun, G Brunetti, T Buanes, J Buckley, V Bugaev, R Bühler, A Bulgarelli, T Bulik, M Burton, A Burtovoi, G Busetto, R Canestrari, M Capalbi, F Capitanio, A Caproni, P Caraveo, V Cárdenas, C Carlile, R Carosi, E Carquín, J Carr, S Casanova, E Cascone, F Catalani, O Catalano, D Cauz, M Cerruti, P Chadwick, S Chaty, RCG Chaves, A Chen, X Chen, M Chernyakova, M Chikawa, A Christov, J Chudoba, M Cieślar, V Coco, S Colafrancesco, P Colin, V Conforti, V Connaughton, J Conrad, JL Contreras, J Cortina, A Costa, H Costantini, G Cotter, S Covino, R Crocker, J Cuadra, O Cuevas, P Cumani, A D'Aì, F D'Ammando, P D'Avanzo, D D'Urso, M Daniel, I Davids, B Dawson, F Dazzi, A De Angelis, R de Cássia dos Anjos, G De Cesare, A De Franco, EM de Gouveia Dal Pino, I de la Calle, R de los Reyes Lopez, B De Lotto, A De Luca, M De Lucia, M de Naurois, E de Oña Wilhelmi, F De Palma, F De Persio, V de Souza, C Deil, M Del Santo, C Delgado, D della Volpe, T Di Girolamo, F Di Pierro, L Di Venere, C Díaz, C Dib, S Diebold, A Djannati-Ataï, A Domínguez, D Dominis Prester, D Dorner, M Doro, H Drass, D Dravins
Abstract:The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), will be the major global observatory for very high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray astronomy over the next decade and beyond. The scientific potential of CTA is extremely broad: from understanding the role of relativistic cosmic particles to the search for dark matter. CTA is an explorer of the extreme universe, probing environments from the immediate neighbourhood of black holes to cosmic voids on the largest scales. Covering a huge range in photon energy from 20 GeV to 300 TeV, CTA will improve on all aspects of performance with respect to current instruments. Wider field of view and improved sensitivity will enable CTA to survey hundreds of times faster than previous TeV telescopes. The angular resolution of CTA will approach 1 arc-minute at high energies—the best resolution of any instrument operating above the X-ray band—allowing detailed imaging of a large number of gamma-ray sources. A one to two order-of-magnitude collection area improvement makes CTA a powerful instrument for time-domain astrophysics, three orders of magnitude more sensitive on hour timescales than Fermi-LAT at 30 GeV. The observatory will operate arrays on sites in both hemispheres to provide full sky coverage and will hence maximise the potential for the rarest phenomena such as very nearby supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, or gravitational wave transients. With 99 telescopes on the southern site and 19 telescopes on the northern site, flexible operation will be possible, with sub-arrays available for specific tasks.